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Risk Management and Actuarial Financial Management
Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 8.073.00.M.31
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Administrative and Financial Management
Лектор: Karkovska V.Ya.
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following programmatic learning outcomes:
• the ability to organize analytical and methodological practices for implementing financial and economic security measures
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills at the basic level about various forms of security
• ability to demonstrate knowledge of the methodology and ability to organize control at enterprises (in organizations, institutions), the ability to form a professional judgment about the construction and transformation of the system of financial and economic security for modern and potential needs of enterprise management
• ability to preserve and increase the material and financial base of the enterprise, institution, organization, rational and efficient use of its resources, provide the information necessary for making management decisions on the feasibility of the enterprise, institution, organization taking into account the detection of threats and dangers, protection of information received, which concerns the secret of the enterprise, institution and organization
• ability to communicate, including verbal and written communication;
• the ability to evaluate and regulate the effectiveness of the enterprise and its structural units
• the ability to organize analytical and methodological practices for implementing financial and economic security measures
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills at the basic level about various forms of security
• ability to demonstrate knowledge of the methodology and ability to organize control at enterprises (in organizations, institutions), the ability to form a professional judgment about the construction and transformation of the system of financial and economic security for modern and potential needs of enterprise management
• ability to preserve and increase the material and financial base of the enterprise, institution, organization, rational and efficient use of its resources, provide the information necessary for making management decisions on the feasibility of the enterprise, institution, organization taking into account the detection of threats and dangers, protection of information received, which concerns the secret of the enterprise, institution and organization
• ability to communicate, including verbal and written communication;
• the ability to evaluate and regulate the effectiveness of the enterprise and its structural units
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Financial management
Risk management
Risk management
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The concept of "risk" and the classification of risks
Methods of quantitative risk assessment
Classical principles of evaluation of investment projects
Basic approaches to risk management in an enterprise
Enterprise risk management program
Corporate culture and risk diagnostics
Establishment structure of the organization and risk management
Purpose and development of actuarial calculations
The essence and main tasks of actuarial calculations and tasks of actuaries
Рекомендована література:
1. Shegda AV Risks in entrepreneurship: evaluation and management: textbook. tool. / AV Shegda, MV Golovatenko. - K.: Knowledge, 2008. - 271 p.
2. Baldin KV, Vorobyov VS Risk management: Textbook. pos. / KV Baldin, VS Vorobyov. - M .: Gardarika, 2005. - 285 pp.
3. Kuzmin OE Rationale for business decisions and risk assessment: textbook. manual / OE Kuzmin, G.L. Verbnitskaya, O.G. Miller. - Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2008. - 212 p.
4. VV Lukyanova Economic Risk: Educ. manual / Lukyanova VV, Golovach TV - K .: Akademvidav, 2007. - 464 p.
5. Sakhartseva II Risks of economic diagnostics of the enterprise / II. Sakhartseva, OV Path: Kondor, 2008.-380 p.
6. Basics of actuarial calculations: The teaching method. manual / SM Laptev, V.I. Hrushko, MP Denysenko and others. - K .: Allerta, 2004. - 328 p.
7. Bowers N., Gerber H., Jones D., Nesbitt S., Hickman J. Actuarial mathematics. - M .: Janus-K, 2001.
2. Baldin KV, Vorobyov VS Risk management: Textbook. pos. / KV Baldin, VS Vorobyov. - M .: Gardarika, 2005. - 285 pp.
3. Kuzmin OE Rationale for business decisions and risk assessment: textbook. manual / OE Kuzmin, G.L. Verbnitskaya, O.G. Miller. - Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2008. - 212 p.
4. VV Lukyanova Economic Risk: Educ. manual / Lukyanova VV, Golovach TV - K .: Akademvidav, 2007. - 464 p.
5. Sakhartseva II Risks of economic diagnostics of the enterprise / II. Sakhartseva, OV Path: Kondor, 2008.-380 p.
6. Basics of actuarial calculations: The teaching method. manual / SM Laptev, V.I. Hrushko, MP Denysenko and others. - K .: Allerta, 2004. - 328 p.
7. Bowers N., Gerber H., Jones D., Nesbitt S., Hickman J. Actuarial mathematics. - M .: Janus-K, 2001.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Control work, oral examination (40%);
final control (60%, control measure, exam).
final control (60%, control measure, exam).