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Greenfield Projects Management
Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 8.073.00.M.34
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Management and International Business
Лектор: Lytvyn I.V., PhD., Associate Professor.
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
As a result of studying the discipline the student should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
1. Ability to analyze and evaluate the projects of innovative companies, start-ups criteria for decisions on project feasibility venture capital investors in the context of globalization.
2. Ability to design feasibility projects makes business presentations and writing business plans to venture capitalists.
3. The ability to generate growth forecasts for the market value of venture capital firms in uncertainty and global innovation competition.
4. Ability to establish communication software for searching, evaluating and selecting potential investor’s projects.
5. Understand the importance of venture capital and the consequences of its impact on improving the competitiveness of companies, countries and regions in the context of globalization.
6. Ability to work individually and in teams to solve problems of innovative projects venture business in the context of globalization.
7. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills on forming innovative management system of venture businesses.
1. Ability to analyze and evaluate the projects of innovative companies, start-ups criteria for decisions on project feasibility venture capital investors in the context of globalization.
2. Ability to design feasibility projects makes business presentations and writing business plans to venture capitalists.
3. The ability to generate growth forecasts for the market value of venture capital firms in uncertainty and global innovation competition.
4. Ability to establish communication software for searching, evaluating and selecting potential investor’s projects.
5. Understand the importance of venture capital and the consequences of its impact on improving the competitiveness of companies, countries and regions in the context of globalization.
6. Ability to work individually and in teams to solve problems of innovative projects venture business in the context of globalization.
7. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills on forming innovative management system of venture businesses.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The essence and meaning venture capital business. The history of venture capital business. Basic principles and mechanisms of the venture capital venture business management and administration venture capital business. Legal framework of venture management. Venture Projects: International Experience and Ukrainian realities. Corporate venturing. Peculiarities of corporate venture projects management. Administration and business planning of venture project. "Due diligence": diagnosis and evaluation of previous ventures. Administrative venture management techniques: founding documents. Administrative processes of capitalization of venture companies value. Value-oriented management. Venture Controlling as form of venture management company administration. Administrative processes out of the venture capital business. Diagnosis of venture projects management effectiveness.
Рекомендована література:
Basic literature:
1. David Gladstone, Laura Gladstone. Venture Capital Handbook: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Raising Venture Capital, Revised and Updated Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. – 424p.
2. Kuzmin O.E., Lytvyn I.V., Ossik Yu.I. Venturing: teaching manual. – Karaganda, 2015. – 312 p.
3. Lytvyn I.V. Features of the functioning and monitoring of venture capital organizations: [monograph] / O. Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Litvin, O.J. Suhorebska // Publisher "Liha- Press" - 2013. – 182p.
4. Lytvyn I.V. Venture business: teach. manual /O.Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Lytvyn. - K: "Knowledge", 2012. - 350 p.
5. Lytvyn I.V. Venture Business: theoretical aspects and practice [teach. practical guide] / O.Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Lytvyn. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2011. - 168p.
6. Литвин І. В. Венчурний бізнес: особливості розвитку та глобалізаційні аспекти: підручник / І. В. Литвин, О. Є. Кузьмін. – Львів: Видавництво "Львівської політехніки", 2019. – 412 c.
1. David Gladstone, Laura Gladstone. Venture Capital Handbook: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Raising Venture Capital, Revised and Updated Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR, 2002. – 424p.
2. Kuzmin O.E., Lytvyn I.V., Ossik Yu.I. Venturing: teaching manual. – Karaganda, 2015. – 312 p.
3. Lytvyn I.V. Features of the functioning and monitoring of venture capital organizations: [monograph] / O. Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Litvin, O.J. Suhorebska // Publisher "Liha- Press" - 2013. – 182p.
4. Lytvyn I.V. Venture business: teach. manual /O.Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Lytvyn. - K: "Knowledge", 2012. - 350 p.
5. Lytvyn I.V. Venture Business: theoretical aspects and practice [teach. practical guide] / O.Ye. Kuzmin, I.V. Lytvyn. - Lviv, Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2011. - 168p.
6. Литвин І. В. Венчурний бізнес: особливості розвитку та глобалізаційні аспекти: підручник / І. В. Литвин, О. Є. Кузьмін. – Львів: Видавництво "Львівської політехніки", 2019. – 412 c.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
- Current control (30%): oral questioning, workshops;
- Final control (70%): semester control (50% written and 20% oral component)
- Final control (70%): semester control (50% written and 20% oral component)