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Transnational Corporations Management

Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 8.073.00.M.35
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Management and International Business
Лектор: Doctor of Economics, Professor Heorhiadi Nelli
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
1. identify transnational corporations, the content and scope of their activities;
2. to classify the organizational structures of transnational corporations, describe the evolution of their development;
3. explain the specifics of the development and implementation of the global strategy transnational corporations;
4. demonstrate the mechanism of functioning of transnational corporations;
5. Identify the features of interaction between transnational corporations and national economies;
6. to evaluate and predict the impact of transnational corporations on the economy of the host country.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Previous courses:
Related courses:
Management of venture projects
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The essence of the concept of transnational corporations: approaches to definition, criteria for belonging to transnational corporations. International, global, transnational corporations. Formation and implementation of strategies for transnational corporations activity. Financial and economic mechanisms of transnational corporations functioning. The environment of transnational corporations financial activity. Internal financial structure of transnational corporations. Features of financial management of transnational corporations. Features of management of transnational corporation production activity. Human resources management in transnational corporations. Interaction between transnational corporations and national economies.
Рекомендована література:
1. Voitko S. V. Transnatsionalni korporatsii : navch. posibnyk / S. V. Voitko, O. A. Havrysh, O. O. Korohodova, T. Ye. Moiseienko. Kyiv : NTUU «KPI», 2016. - 208 c.
2. Rudenko L. V Upravlinnia potokamy kapitaliv u suchasnii biznes-modeli funktsionuvannia transnatsionalnykh korporatsii: Monohrafiia. K.: Kondor, 2004. -480 s.
3. Makohon Yu. V. Transformatsiia svitovoho rynku kapitalu v umovakh transnatsionalizatsii: monohrafiia / Yu. V. Makohon, T. V. Oriekhova, K. V. Lysenko, M. I. Holubov. Donetsk: DonNU, 2006. - 248s.
4. Rohach O. I. Transnatsionalni korporatsii : pidruch. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / O. I. Rohach ; Kyiv. nats. un-t im. T. Shevchenka. K.: Kyivskyi universytet, 2008. 399 s. 8. Mizhnarodni investytsii: teoriia ta praktyka biznesu transnatsionalnykh korporatsii : Pidruch. dlia stud. ekon. spets. vyshch. navch. zakl. / O. I. Rohach. K.: Lybid, 2005. - 720 c.
5. Mizhnarodnyi biznes : [pidruch. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / V. A. Verhun ta in.]; Kyiv. nats. un-t im. T. Shevchenka. — K.: Kyiv, un-t, 2007. — 499 s.
6. Sazonets I. L. Sutnist ta osnovni kontseptsii diialnosti TNK v umovakh hlobalizatsii: monohrafiia/ I. L. Sazonets, Yu.M. Varych. Donetsk: Yuho-Vostok, 2009. - 275 s.
7. Peredrii O.S. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny [Tekst] : navch. posib. / O. S. Peredrii. - 4-e vyd., pererob. i dop. - K. : Znannia, 2008. - 264 s.
8. Rokocha V.V. Transnatsionalni korporatsii [Tekst] : navch. posib. z normatyvnoi navch. dystsypliny "Transnatsionalni korporatsii" / V. V. Rokocha [ta in.]. - K. : Takson, 2001. - 304 s.
9. Romanchykov V.I. Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny [Tekst] : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / V. I. Romanchykov, I. O. Romanenko. - K. : Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2011. - 256 s.
10. Rudenko L.V. Transnatsionalni korporatsii [Tekst] : navch.-metod, posibnyk dlia samost. vyvchennia dystsypliny / L. V. Rudenko ; Kyivskyi natsionalnyi ekonomichnyi un-t. - K. : KNEU, 2006. - 227 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control (30%), including:
- 20% - fulfillment of situational tasks, solving tasks, work in the Higher education institution, oral examination;
- 10% - preparation and defense of the abstract.
Final control (70%), of which: - testing - written tasks (50%); - oral answer (20%).