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Assessment and Regulation of Social and Economic Management Systems Efficiency
Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 8.073.00.M.30
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Administrative and Financial Management
Лектор: Podolchak N. Y.
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
To achieve this goal in the course of teaching the course "Assessment and regulation of socio-economic efficiency of management systems" it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - to teach modern management thinking;
- to teach technologies of realization of management functions;
- to give knowledge about modern effective organizational management systems;
- to instill skills of application of means of influence on the labor collective of the enterprise;
- to teach to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to teach to regulate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to recommend rational forms of people management and ways of ensuring the effective activity of enterprises;
- to teach how to organize effective operating processes in trading enterprises.
As a result of studying the discipline "Assessment and regulation of socio-economic efficiency of management systems" PhDs should know:
- the essence of the basic concepts and categories of management and management;
- management principles and functions;
- the main types of management systems;
- the essence of the organization and the interconnection of its internal elements and the external environment;
- system of management methods;
- basics of planning, motivation and control;
- organization of interaction and powers;
- methods of assessing the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- the means and ways of regulating the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- content and characterization of the basic types of organizational management structures;
- decision making in management;
- leadership and leadership, management styles;
Doctor of Philosophy should be able to:
- define mission and goals;
- distinguish different management systems by basic criteria;
- analyze and build different types of organizational structures for managing organizations;
- establish effective communications in the management process;
- apply the technology of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions;
- to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to regulate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of management.
- to teach technologies of realization of management functions;
- to give knowledge about modern effective organizational management systems;
- to instill skills of application of means of influence on the labor collective of the enterprise;
- to teach to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to teach to regulate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to recommend rational forms of people management and ways of ensuring the effective activity of enterprises;
- to teach how to organize effective operating processes in trading enterprises.
As a result of studying the discipline "Assessment and regulation of socio-economic efficiency of management systems" PhDs should know:
- the essence of the basic concepts and categories of management and management;
- management principles and functions;
- the main types of management systems;
- the essence of the organization and the interconnection of its internal elements and the external environment;
- system of management methods;
- basics of planning, motivation and control;
- organization of interaction and powers;
- methods of assessing the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- the means and ways of regulating the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- content and characterization of the basic types of organizational management structures;
- decision making in management;
- leadership and leadership, management styles;
Doctor of Philosophy should be able to:
- define mission and goals;
- distinguish different management systems by basic criteria;
- analyze and build different types of organizational structures for managing organizations;
- establish effective communications in the management process;
- apply the technology of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions;
- to evaluate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to regulate the socio-economic efficiency of management systems;
- to determine and evaluate the effectiveness of management.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Fundamentals of Management
Financial management
Financial management
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
1. General management functions
2. Information and communication in management
3. Leadership and leadership
4. Management systems
5. Socio-economic efficiency of management
6. Assessment of socio-economic efficiency of management
7. Regulation of socio-economic efficiency of management
Рекомендована література:
1. Belinsky PI Management of production and operations: a textbook / PI Belinsky. - K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2005. - 624 p.
2. Ilenkova SD Production management: a textbook for universities / ed. SD Ilenkova. - M.: UNITI, 2000. - 583 p.
3. Fundamentals of management: textbook. help / [E. M. Gainutdinov, RB Yuvut, LI Podderegina, etc.]; ed. E. M. Gainutdinova. - [2nd ed.]. - Mn .: Universitetskoe, 2002. - 152 p.
4. Stadnik VV Management: a tool. / VV Stadnik, MA Yokhno. - K .: Akademvidav, 2003. - 464 p.
5. Fedulova LI Modern management concepts: textbook. tool. / LI Fedulov. - K .: TsUL, 2007. - 534 p.
6. Franchuk V. Fundamentals of Management: Teach. tool. / V. Franchuk. - Lviv: Stonecutter, 1997. - 95 p. 8. Khmil FI Fundamentals of management: textbook. / F. I. Khmil. - K .: Akademvidav, 2003. - 608 p.
7. Binner H. Organization and Production Management: From Functional Management to Process / H. Binner; trans. with him. - M.: Alpina Publishers, 2010. - 282 p.
8. Bugrov D. Performance metric // Round table - 2004– №4. - pp. 12–14.
9. Limansky A. Organizational and economic mechanisms of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises in the conditions of transformation and European integration / NAS of Ukraine IRD. - Lviv, 2003. - 520 p.
2. Ilenkova SD Production management: a textbook for universities / ed. SD Ilenkova. - M.: UNITI, 2000. - 583 p.
3. Fundamentals of management: textbook. help / [E. M. Gainutdinov, RB Yuvut, LI Podderegina, etc.]; ed. E. M. Gainutdinova. - [2nd ed.]. - Mn .: Universitetskoe, 2002. - 152 p.
4. Stadnik VV Management: a tool. / VV Stadnik, MA Yokhno. - K .: Akademvidav, 2003. - 464 p.
5. Fedulova LI Modern management concepts: textbook. tool. / LI Fedulov. - K .: TsUL, 2007. - 534 p.
6. Franchuk V. Fundamentals of Management: Teach. tool. / V. Franchuk. - Lviv: Stonecutter, 1997. - 95 p. 8. Khmil FI Fundamentals of management: textbook. / F. I. Khmil. - K .: Akademvidav, 2003. - 608 p.
7. Binner H. Organization and Production Management: From Functional Management to Process / H. Binner; trans. with him. - M.: Alpina Publishers, 2010. - 282 p.
8. Bugrov D. Performance metric // Round table - 2004– №4. - pp. 12–14.
9. Limansky A. Organizational and economic mechanisms of increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises in the conditions of transformation and European integration / NAS of Ukraine IRD. - Lviv, 2003. - 520 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Control work, oral examination (40%);
final control (60%, control measure, exam).
final control (60%, control measure, exam).