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Painting, Part 2

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 6.022.00.O.16
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Лектор: Olha Chelombit’ko
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- to know professional terminology what touches artistic work;
- to know bases of painter depicting deed, bases of drawing and composition, to seize practice methods and different technique of painting (gouache, water-colour, acryl), to develop ability to see the variety of forms and colours.
-to be able for consciously watching of three-measurable form, for logical analysing of this form in space and correctly performing it at two-measurable plane by corresponding facilities and technical receptions; to study different foreshortening of illumination and their influence on a color and tone.
-at the bases of composition laws, rules of prospect, theory of illumination, understanding of coloured environment to know how to realistically and convincingly to represent reality, study artistic selection and interpretations of represented, decorative interpretation.
-to have the creative going in the independent search of ideas in the put certain practical tasks, to form the vivid thinking and presentation, develop sense of colour, artistic sense and aesthetic taste and further professional activity.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Prerequisites: Drawing, part 1; Painting, part 1.
Сo-requisites: Bases of composition and form creation; Drawing, part 2; Bases of modeling and sculpture.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
- Still life from domestic objects on lateral illumination (warm gamut, polychrome). - Still life from domestic objects on lateral illumination (cold gamut, polychrome).
Рекомендована література:
1. Дейнека А.А. Учитесь рисовать – М.1961.
2. Радлов Н.Э. Рисование с натуры – Л.1978.
3. Шпак В.О. Основи живопису. Акварель. Навчальний посібник. - 2013
4. Ревякин П.П. Техника акварельной живописи . – Рипол Классик, 1959
5. Могилевцев В.А. Основы живописи. – 4арт, 2012
6. Иоханнес Иттен. Искусство цвета. – Д. Аронов, 2004
7. Жердзицкий В.Є. Живопис. Техніка і технологія . – Харків 2006.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
A maximal total estimation for audience and independent (home) tasks presents 100 points.