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Drawing, Part 5

Спеціальність: Design
Код дисципліни: 6.022.00.O.69
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Лектор: Olha Chelombit’ko
Семестр: 5 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
-to know such categories of project activity of designer, as: graphic character, professional terminology which touches the process of artistic work;
-to know the questions of construction, motion, proportion, prospect, chiaroscuro and invoice, composition and others like that;
-to be able for consciously watching of three-measurable form, for logical analysing of this form in space and correctly performing it at two-measurable plane by corresponding facilities and technical receptions;
- to be able on the basis of composition laws, rules of prospect, theory of illumination realistically and convincingly to represent reality;
-to have the creative going near the independent search of ideas in the put certain practical tasks, to form artistic sense and aesthetic taste and own the practical skills for their successful realization;
-opening of individual creative capabilities and expansion of artistic world view, receipting of necessary professional knowledge and skills, as bases for further professional activity.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Prerequisites: Bases of composition and form creation; Applied prospect; Bases of modeling and sculpture; Drawing, part 1-4; Plastic anatomy, anatomic drawing.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
- Linear-structural drawing of gipseous mold of head with humeral belt. - Sketches of living man’s head with humeral belt in different positions. - Drawing of masculine head with the maximal display of characteristic similarity. - Linear drawing of woman head .
Рекомендована література:
1. Питер Станьер. Пособие по техникам рисования: справочник художника – Астраль.2007.
2. Sehen und Verstehen. Gottfried Bammes - «Volk and Wissen» 1985 г.
3. Радлов Н.Э. Рисование с натуры – Л.1978.
4. Ростовцев Н.Н. История методов обучения рисованию. Зарубежная школа рисунка – М.1981.
5. Ростовцев Н.Н. Рисование головы человека – М.1989.
6. Баммес Г. Изображение человека. Основы рисунка с натуры - «Дитон» 2012 г.
7. Gottfried Bammes .Der nackte mensch - «VEB Verlag der Kunst Dresden» 1969 г.
8. Николай Ли. Основы учебного академического рисунка. Учебник.- Эксмо.2005.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
A maximal total estimation for audience and independent (home) tasks presents 100 points.