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History of Sociology

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.4
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Assistant Yatsyshyn Igor I.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
· Know the principles of historical study of sociological knowledge and methodological approaches in his study; basic concepts, theories and works of the classics of world sociology;
· Be aware of the stages of historical development and the main trends in the development of modern sociological theory; key theoretical paradigm of sociology and features;
· Be able to analyze the views of different schools of theoretical sociology; critically reflect contemporary sociological concepts in the context of their historical development;
· Be able to interpret the text sources and analytical work on the history of sociology; use existing sociological theories studied in various social events.
Required prior and related subjects:
· Theoretical sociology;
· Sociology of personality;
· Sociological thought in Ukraine;
Summary of the subject:
History of sociology as a field of sociological knowledge; Protosotsiolohichnyh origin and development of knowledge in the ancient world and the Middle Ages; Social Social science research knowledge and modern times (17 poch.19 centuries). The emergence and development of sociology as a science in the mid-19th century.: O.Kont and H.Spenser; Dialectical materialist sociology of Marx and Engels; Naturalistic schools and the psychological trend in sociology poch.20 19th century .; German-formal sociology kn.19 poch.20 century. V.Pareto and sociology; Sociological theory E.Durkheim and Weber; Symbolic interactionism Dzh.Mida, Ch.Kuli and H.Blumera; Structural functionalism: T.Parsons R.Merton; Socio-biological concepts and theory of social exchange; Integral P.Sorokina sociology and French sociology sir. 20th c .; Phenomenological sociology and ethnomethodology; The theory of social conflict and sociology neomarksyzmu; The main directions of modern theoretical sociology.
Recommended Books:
1.Захарченко М., Погорілий О. Історія соціології (від античності до початку 20 ст.).- К., 1993. – 336 с.
2.Ручка А., Танчер В. Курс історії теоретичної соціології.- К., 1995. – 223 с.
3.Історія соціологічної думки: навчальний енциклопедичний словник-довідник / за наук. ред. В.М. Пічі.- Львів, 2016. – 687 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
· Current control: oral interviews, essays (40%);
· Final examination control: test (60%).