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Professional Practical Training

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.32
Credits: 4.5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Candidate of Political Sciences (PhD), assistant Yatsyshyn Uliana Volodymyrivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• to know: features of professional activities and functions of sociologist at certain bases of practice, taking into account the specifics of their work;
• be able to: program research using various methods; carry out field work using quantitative methods or analytical work using qualitative methods, including focus groups, depending on project of bases practices; apply not only to the method of poll and analysis of documents, but also content analysis (on the media as bases of practice); perform functions a teacher assistant, prepare and conduct practical classes on sociology (if basic organizations of practice are educational institutions of the second to fourth levels of accreditation in which sociology course is taught in).
Required prior and related subjects:
• Theoretical Sociology;
• Methods of gathering sociological information, p.1.
Summary of the subject:
Participation in the functional units of base of practices considering future professional activity specialist sociologistfamiliarization with the content of work the sociologist, his official duties, professional objectives, specific of work, tools, documentation, etc; perform one of the following types of work by choice: 1) conducting sociometric research; 2) analyzing organizational development for the method of Ramsey; 3) participate in sociological research on the stages of programming, data entry, statistical data analysis and more.
Recommended Books:
1.Методи соціальних досліджень: Методичні рекомендації до вивчення курсу „Методи соціальних досліджень” для студентів спеціальності 7. 040202 „Соціальна робота” стаціонарної та заочної форм навчання. / Укл.: О.Б. Іванкова-Стецюк, І.І. Яцишин. – Львів, 2004.
2.Методы сбора информации в социологическом исследовании: В 2-х кн. – М., 1990.
3.Паніна Н.В. Технологія соціологічного дослідження. – К., 1996..
4.Піча В., Вовканич С., Маковецький В. Як підготувати, провести і узагальнити результати соціологічних досліджень. – Львів, 1996.
5.Рабочая книга социолога. – М.,1983.
6.Ядов В.А. Социологическое исследование: Методология, программа, методы. – Самара, 1995.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Preparation and defense of practice report (100%)