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Sociology of Family

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.24
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer A. Umanets Natalia
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• know the characteristics of a sociological approach to the study of the family; basic forms of marriage and family in the historical development;
• be able to analyze macro factors affecting the change of the family;
• be able to describe the family as a social institution and as a small group; independently analyze, assess and predict the development of the family and family relations;
• have an understanding and focus in key areas of research methods and family sociology.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Theoretical Sociology.
• Theory of Social Change
• Sociology of age
• Sociology of personality
Summary of the subject:
The emergence and development of sociology of the family. The theoretical sources of Sociology of the family. Basic forms of family and marriage historically. Types of families and their characteristics. Main causes and trends of family relations. The social function of the modern family and their development trends. Formation of marriage and family relations as a process: the main characteristics and stages. Methods of family life cycle. Application cycle approach to the study of family budgets. The structure of the social and cultural role of the family and family-oriented. The concept of family policy. Family Policy in Ukraine. The problems of modern families in terms of men and women. The new status of the family in contemporary society.
Recommended Books:
• .Гіденс Е. Сім’я, шлюб і особисте життя // Соціологія - К. Основи, 1999.
• Лукашевич М.П. Соціологія сім’ї:теорія і практика: навч.посібник –К.:ІПК ДСЗУ,2012. – 186с.
• Савка В.Є., Уманець Н.А. Сім’я та соціум: проблеми взаємодії – ЛьвівВид-во НУЛП-2008.
• Уманець Н., Тюріна Т. Людина та сім'я: навч.посібник. – Львів: Вид-во НУЛП -2013.

Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (40%) work in the practical;
• Final examination control: test, oral examination (60%).