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Social Pedagogy

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.6
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Tyurina T.G.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes:
• to know the specific of social and pedagogical work in the various social institutions;
• to know the mechanisms, stages, factors and features of the socialization process;
• to have formed an idea of social pedagogy as humanities, its object, subject, goal, the objectives and methods of research, the relationship with other sciences;
• to own forms and methods of pedagogical influence on the social situation of the individual and the process of social adaptation.
Required prior and related subjects:
Interpersonal communication "," Sociology ". "Social work",
• Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology"
•"Social Psychology"
• "General Psychology and psychology of a Personality"
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical and methodological foundations of social pedagogy; some issues of social pedagogy: andragogics and herohics; preventive pedagogy with the elements of penitentiary pedagogy; victimology pedagogy with the basics of Trustees.
Recommended Books:
1. Kapska A. I. Social work, some aspects of working with children and youth .- K .: UDTSSSM, 2001. - 219 p.
2. Koval L. G., Zvereva I. D., Hlyebik I. R. Social pedagogy / social work. Tutorial. - K .: IZMN, 1997. - 392 p.
3. Dictionary-guide for social workers and social pedagogues / Pod Society Ed A.Y.Kapskoyi, I.M.Pinchuk, S.V.Tolstouhovoyi. - K .: UDTSSSM, 2000. - 260 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
lectures, seminars, independent work
• oral examination, essay (40%).
• The final control (exam) -60%