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Sociology of Culture

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.23
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Stavkova S.G.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will have knowledge about:
• Problem field of sociology of culture, specificity of modern sociology of culture, that is expressed in a variety of interpretations of subject of study and place of this discipline in the system of sociological knowledge
• Time of occurrence of sociology of culture; importance of cultural issues in social research in the late twentieth century; as well as knowledge on the main aspects of social life culture
• Fundamental role of culture in the process of society functioning
• Interaction of culture and sociological categories
• Main sociological categories, concepts and theories that explain functioning of culture
Required prior and related subjects:
• Introduction to specialty
• General sociology
Summary of the subject:
Sociology in the content of sociological knowledge. Culture as an object of sociological knowledge. Empirical research of culture. Culture and individual. Culture and social structure. Types of culture. Culture and social changes. Historical dynamics of culture: special features of culture of traditional and modern societies. Culture in the epoch of post modernism. Cultural aspects of globalization. Social subjects of cultural arts.
Recommended Books:
1. Ионин Л.Г. Социология культуры. Учеб. пособ.— М.: Логос, 1996.
2. Нечаев В.Я. Социология образования.— М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 1992.
3. Смеязер Н. Социология.— М., 1994.
4. Г.В.Осипов, Социология. Наука об обществе. Учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных заведекий/Подред. В.П.Андрущенко-Харьков, 1996.
5. Филиппов Ф.Р. Социология образования.— М.,
6. Черниш Н.Й. Соціологія. Курс лекцій.—Львів, 1996.
7. Шаповал М. Загальна соціологія.— Київ, 1996. Ю.
8. Якуба О.О. Соціологія.—Харків, 1996.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Tests. Practical assignments and individual assignments - (40%).
• Final credit - 60%