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Methods of Sociological Data Collection (курсова робота)

Major: Sociology
Code of Subject: 6.054.00.O.34
Credits: 2
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: the instructors of Sociology and Social Work Department
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
• the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the research methodology;
• the ability to show understanding of basic sociological paradigms and features of their use in the scientific research;
• the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the key points of methodological approachesthat are employed in publicationsof known social scientiststhat have been the subject of analysis in the course work;
• the ability to work independently with scientific sources, including sources in foreign languages, to analyze and to compare the material laid in them ;
• the ability to express their thoughts in writing, to issue in a holistic document the results of theoretical and methodological research
• the ability to present the material logically and convincingly and to defend publicly the results of their work
Required prior and related subjects:
- Mathematical and statistical methods in sociology; Methodology and program of sociological research
Summary of the subject:
in realising the tasks of the module student have to write and to present educational and scientific work, which is allowed to be defensed by the decision of the supervisor, with his review.
Recommended Books:
1. Батыгин Г. С. Лекции по методологии социологических исследований: Учебник. - М., 1995;
2. Вербець В. Методологія та методика соціологічних досліджень: Навчально-методичний посібник.- Рівне, 2006;
3. Паніна Н. В. Технологія соціологічного дослідження. - К.,1998;
4. Ядов В. А. Стратегия социологического исследования. Описание, объяснение, понимание социальной реальности. - М., 1999.
Assessment methods and criteria:
defense of the coursework on the meeting of the commission at the department, 100 points.