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Modern German/ Japanese, Part 2

Major: Philology
Code of Subject: 6.035.00.O.11
Credits: 5
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: N. Kostevych, O. Litinska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
As the result of the discipline study, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
to know:
Approximately 3500 words of Japanese language, the basics of grammar, writing system, more than 1,000 hieroglyphs, which will allow to communicate in Japanese with all kinds of speech activity on the following topics: about myself, my family, home, my studies, my workday, Ukraine, Japan, native city, travel, tour, post office, shop, hotel, services for everyday life, my profession, research etc.
to be able:
To communicate in Japanese, using all types of speaking activity on the following topics: about myself, my family, home, my studies, my workday, Ukraine, Japan, native city, travel, tour, post office, shop, hotel, services for everyday life, my profession, research etc.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: “Modern Japanese” Part 1
Corequisites: -
Summary of the subject:
Talk about another person; Demonstrative pronouns and locative; Time; Verbs of motion; Direct application; Ablative case; Predicative adjectives; Theme and Rema in Japanese sentence; Metering suffixes; Request, permission and prohibition expressions; The sequence of actions in the Japanese sentence.
Recommended Books:
1. (Ніхонґо сьохо. Початковий курс японської мови). The Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute. Tokyo, 1994..
2. М.С.Федоришин. Українська транскрипція японської мови. Методичний посібник з основ японського письма: фонетична транскрипція. Львів, 1994.
3. Практикум з основ японської мови. Зошити 1 – 8. НУЛП, Львів, 2002, 2005.
4. I. (Minna no Nihongo. Японська мова для всіх: початковий курс, ч. І.) 3A Corporation, Tokyo, 2000.
5. II. (Minna no Nihongo. Японська мова для всіх: початковий курс, ч. ІІ.) 3A Corporation, Tokyo, 2000.
6. I. Minna no Nihongo. Intermediate Level. 3A Corporation, Tokyo, 2009.
7. . An Introduction to the Japanese Syllabary. Bonjinsha, Tokyo, 1995.
8. . The pronunciation of Japanese. Bonjinsha, Tokyo, 1995.
9. Grundkurs der modernen japanischen Sprache von Eiko Saito und Helga Silberstein. VEBVerlag Enzyklopadie Leipzig, 1986.
10. Modern Japanese for University Students. Parts I. Japanese Department, International Christian University, Tokyo, 1988.
11. Modern Japanese for University Students. Part II. Japanese Department, International Christian University, Tokyo, 1988.
12. Modern Japanese for University Students. Part III. Japanese Department, International Christian University, Tokyo, 1988.
13. A Course in Modern Japanese. Volume One. The University of Nagoya Press, 1996.
14. Bonjinsha, Tokyo, 1998.
15. . First Lessons in Kanji. Bonjinsha, Tokyo, 1995.
16. I. (Ніхонґо цюукюу І. Японська мова: середній рівепь І.) The Japan Foundation Japanse Language Institute. Tokyo, 1993.
17. IІ. (Ніхонґо цюукюу ІІ. Японська мова: середній рівепь ІІ.) The Japan Foundation Japanse Language Institute. Tokyo, 1996.
18. Nobuko Mizutani. Introduction to Intermediate Japanese. An Integrated Course. Bonjinsha, Tokyo, 1998.
19. . M.Sasaki, M.Kadokura. Japanese Through Dialogues. For Intrmediate Learners (Drills & Tasks). The Japan times. Tokyo, 1997.
20. . . M.Sasaki. View of Today’s Japan. ALC. Tokyo, 1998.
21. . Living in Japan: F Handbook. ALC Press Japanese Textbook Series. Tokyo, 1998.
22. Traveling Japan: Local Nature and Cultue. ALC Press Japanese Textbook Series. Tokyo, 1996.
23. K.Tatematsu, Z.Tateoka, T.Matsumoto, T.Sato. Writnig Letters in Japanese. The Inter=Univesity Center for Japanese Language Studies. The Japan Times. Tokyo, 1995.
24. I.1999240p
25. Словники.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Monitoring: listening, monologue and dialogic speaking, reading, writing. Final test.
Final assessment: differentiated credit.

The distribution of points in 100-point scale
Classroom work (70):
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Final test 50
Individual work (30):
Doing exercises from the textbook 5
Doing lexical and grammatical tests in VNS LP 5
Individual task 20
Total for discipline 100

Modern German/ Japanese, Part 2

Major: Philology
Code of Subject: 6.035.00.O.12
Credits: 5
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: доц. Антонюк Г.Д., доц. Семотюк О.Л., доц. Дужа-Задорожна М.П., доц. Черниш Л.З., ас. Винничук С.Я., ас. Перхач Р.Т.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
to know lexical and grammatical issues studied during a semester, including syntactic, semantic and phonetic features of the German language as well as culture of the German speaking countries; to know the rules of the new German spelling;
to be able to use basic communication strategies, which play an important role in everyday communication; to be able to use a foreign language (beginner’s level: to read simple socio-political non-fiction texts and adapted works of fiction); listening and reading comprehension; to master communication skills in monologue and dialogue forms; to master writing skills; to translate from German into Ukrainian and vice versa; to be able to use basic communicative intentions, which play an important role in everyday communication.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: Modern German (part 1), Modern English (part 1);
Co-requisites: An introduction to Linguistics, Fundamentals of Applied Linguistics
Summary of the subject:
Theme 1. Food and drinks. Breakfast in the hotel. Dishes and cutlery. In the restaurant. Grammar: Noun. Personal pronouns. Theme 2. Everyday life. Daily routine. Work at the computer. Reporting past events. Grammar: prefixes. Perfect Tenses. Modal verbs. Prepositions of time. Theme 3. Traveling. Weather. Travel destinations. Phrases for giving reasons. Holidays. Shopping. Booking. Grammar: types of sentences, conjunctions. Modal verbs. Imperative mood. Verbs used with dative case. Personal pronouns used with dative case. Theme 4. Dwelling. Apartment. Advertisements. Talk to a broker. Housing and furniture. Giving directions. Rules of Stay. Grammar: Prepositions. Modal verbs. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Theme 5. Meetings and events. Accepting an invitation. Parts of the body. Appointment with a doctor. Health Advice. News. Grammar: Verbs with dative and accusative case. Past Modals. Past tenses.
Recommended Books:
1. Begegnungen. Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch fur Fremdsprache Deutsch. Sprachniveau A+. Schubert Verlag Leipzig.
2. T.Scherling, L.Wertenschlag, C.Gick, M.Muller, P.Rusch, R.Schmidt „Moment mal!“ Lehrwerk fur Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Lehrbuch 1. Langenscheidt, 2000.
3. Aufderstra?e H., Bock H., Gerdes M., Muller J., Muller H. Themen aktuell 1: [Kursbuch] / H. Aufderstra?e, H. Bock, M. Gerdes, J. Muller, H. Muller. - Germany: Hueber Verlag, 2003. – 160 S.
4. Bock H., Eisfeld K.-H., Holthaus H., Schutze-Nohmke U. Themen aktuell 1: [Arbeitsbuch] / H. Bock, K.-H. Eisfeld, H. Holthaus, U. Schutze-Nohmke. - Germany: Hueber Verlag, 2003. – 143 S.
5. Євгененко Д. А., Білоус О. М., Гуменюк О. О. Практична граматика німецької мови [навч. посібник] / Д. А. Євгененко, О. М. Білоус, О. О. Гуменюк та ін. – Вінниця: НОВА КНИГА, 2004. – 400 с.
6. Камянова Т. Німецька мова: [підручник] / Т. Камянова. – М.: Изд-во «Славянский дом книги», 2003. – 592 с.
7. Николишин Ю. І. Львів / Ю. І. Николишин. – Львів: Апріорі, 2006. – 103 с.

Assessment methods and criteria:
continuous assessment (40%)
final tasting (60% test )