Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Insurance Management

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of Subject: 7.072.00.O.4
Credits: 5
Department: Finance
Lecturer: PhD, associate professor Horyslavets Pavlo
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• knowledges: financial basics of insurance, the insurance rate structure, formation and placement of insurance reserves, the principles of investment policy of insurance companies, reinsurance role in ensuring that insurance liabilities, valuation methods solvency of the insurance company and conditions to ensure financial stability of insurers, especially the management and marketing of insurance organizations.
• skills: to organize insurance management system; to define insurance rates, to calculate the volume of required reserves, to optimize the investment activity of insurance company, to assess and monitor the financial stability of insurance operations, solvency and financial reliability of insurance companies, to analyze the insurance market.
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerequisites: Insurance, insurance services.
• co-requisites: financial management.
Summary of the subject:
Insurance as a specific type of business and the prospects of its development in Ukraine and the world. The content and functions of insurance management. Strategic management in the insurance company. Information systems in management of insurance company. The essence of the problem and insurance marketing. Financial basics of insurance. Insurance rate as a basis for providing break-even insurance operations. Forming insurance reserves to ensure compliance with the insurance obligations. Investment activity of the insurance company: principles of organization, management and optimization. Reinsurance and its role in ensuring that insurance liabilities. Methods for assessing financial stability and solvency of insurance companies. Analysis, planning and forecasting of insurance activity.
Recommended Books:
1) Страховий менеджмент: підручник / [Осадець С.С., Мурашко О.В., Фурман В.М., Баранов А.Л., Баранова О.В., Залєтов О.М., Нечипоренко В.І.]; за ред. д-ра економ. наук, проф. С. С. Осадця. - К.: КНЕУ, 2011. – 333.
2) Страхування: Підручник / За ред. В.Д.Базилевича. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 1019 с.
3) Страхування: Підручник / Керівник авт. кол. і наук. ред. С. С. Осадець. — К.:КНЕУ, 2002. — 528с.
4) Ткаченко Н. Страхування: Навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів/ Наталія Володимирівна Ткаченко. - К.: Ліра-К, 2007. - 375 с.
5) Страхування: Навч. посібн. / І.І. Пилипенко д.е.н. проф.акад. АЕНУ, О.П.Жук проф. акад. АЕНУ. - К. ІВЦ Держкомстату України, 2010.-332с.
6) Страхування: Теорія та практика: Навч.-метод, посіб. / Н. М. Внукова, В. І. Успаленко, Л. В. Временно та ін.; За заг. ред. проф. Н. М. Внукової. — X.: Бурун Книга, 2004. — 376 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- Current control (thematic control, individual control) (30 points).
- Final control (70 points).