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Monetary Policy

Major: Finance, Banking and Insurance
Code of Subject: 7.072.00.O.8
Credits: 4
Department: Finance
Lecturer: PhD. Kots Olha
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- to know: the essence, principles, types and tools of monetary policy, the role and basis of the central banks activity, the central bank's place in the monetary management system, the role of the central bank in providing financial stability, decision-making on monetary policy and monetary policy transmission mechanism influence on real economy.
- to be able to: to analyse and predict the ways and parameters of economic and monetary system development; use professional knowledge and practical skills in the process of calculating the monetary system indicators; find out causal relationships, analyse external and internal information for the monetary policy formation; use methodological approaches to assessing the monetary system organization effectiveness; use legislative and regulatory documents on money circulation, credit, banking, currency transactions in order to organize an effective monetary policy
- to be aware of: monetary policy, the role of central banks in the system of monetary and banking management, monetary policy instruments and mechanism of their application, targeting
Required prior and related subjects:
- prerequisites: Money and Credit, Banking System;
- related educational discipline: Banking Management, Financial innovations.
Summary of the subject:
Central banks in the monetary management system. Monetary policy: essence and rules. Objectives and tasks of monetary policy. Monetary policy instruments. Targeting. Monetary policy decisions. Financial stability. Monetary policy transmission mechanism influence on real economy
Recommended Books:
- Hluschenko S. V. Monetarna polityka: teoretyko-metodolohichni aspekty [Tekst] : navch. posib. / S. V. Hluschenko ; Nats. un-t "Kyievo-Mohylian. akad.". - Kyiv : NaUKMA, 2017. - 63 s.
- Kolodiziev O. M.Formuvannia monetarnoi polityky natsionalnoho banku v konteksti zabezpechennia staloho rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy [Tekst] : monohrafiia / Kolodiziev O. M., Hubarieva I. O., Ohorodnia Ye. M. ; Kharkiv. nats. ekon. un-t im. Semena Kuznetsia. - Kharkiv : INZhEK, 2015. - 325 s.
- Stelmakh V.S. Monetarna polityka Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy: suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy zmin : monohrafiia / Stelmakh V.S. – K. : Tsentr naukovykh doslidzhen NBU, UBS NBU, 2009. – 404 s.
- Formuvannia monetarnoi ekonomiky i monetarnoi polityky Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy v konteksti rozvytku svitovoi ekonomichnoi teorii [Tekst] : monohrafiia / [T. Smovzhenko ta in.] ; za nauk. red. d-ra ekon. nauk, prof. T. S. Smovzhenka, kand. ekon. nauk, dots. H. Ya. Steblii ; Nats. bank Ukrainy, Un-t bank. spravy. - K. : UBS NBU , 2010. - 272 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (verbal questioning, independent works (30 %)
- exam: written and verbal components (70%)