Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Physical and Chemical Processes in Polymers and Composites Technology

Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.O.10
Credits: 3
Department: Chemical Technology of Plastics Processing
Lecturer: Levytskyi Volodymyr Skorokhoda Volodymyr
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following programmatic learning outcomes:
- knowledge of the features of physicochemical processes in the technology of polymer and composite materials of different types;
- knowledge of the features of morphology formation and properties of polymeric and composite materials;
- knowledge of physicochemical methods of modification of polymeric and composite materials.
- to solve problems related to the physical and chemical laws of the processes of obtaining, processing and modifying polymeric and composite materials.
- implement measures that enhance the ability of polymeric and composite materials to be recycled;
- predict the properties of polymeric and composite materials depending on their composition and production and processing technologies;
- to select areas of concrete use of polymeric and composite materials according to their properties.
Required prior and related subjects:
Physico-chemistry of polymers
Polymeric material science
New technologies in the production of high molecular weight compounds
Modern technological processes of processing of polymeric and composite materials
Modification processes in polymer technologies
Summary of the subject:
Modern approaches to physicochemical processes in technology of polymers and composites. Colloid-chemical features of polymers and multicomponent polymer systems. Formation conditions of microheterogeneous structures in polymer-containing systems. Physicochemical processes of formation of colloidal structure of multicomponent polymeric materials. Role of interfacial phenomena on the boundary of polymer - solid and their influence on the formation of colloidal structure of multicomponent polymeric materials. The dispersion of colloidal polymer systems. Microheterogeneous structure of single- and multicomponent polymer bodies. Modern ideas about the structure of amorphous polymers. Structural heterogeneity of polymers. Physico-chemical processes of structure formation of dispersed polymer systems. Thermodynamics of New Phase Particle Formation. Spinodal decay theory. Phase separation of polymer systems. Dissipative processes as a cause of microheterogeneity in polymer systems. Surface processes in polymer systems. Surface and interfacial tension in dispersed polymer systems. Surface tension of solutions. Surface tension of polymer melts. Surface tension of solid polymers. Surface-active properties of polymers and the influence of low molecular weight surfactants on the properties of dispersed polymer systems. Polymers as surfactants. The influence of surfactants on the properties of oligomers and polymers. The effect of surfactants on the strength and destruction of polymers. Adsorption processes involving polymers on solid surfaces. Adsorption of polymers from dilute solutions. Isotherms of adsorption of polymers from dilute solutions. Aggregate mechanism of adsorption. Features of kinetics of polymer adsorption on highly dispersed adsorbents. The role of adsorption layers of polymers in the stabilization of dispersed systems. Adsorption from mixtures of polymers. Adhesion of polymers. Thermodynamic description. Adhesive strength. Theories of adhesion. The mechanism of formation of adhesive connection. Internal stresses in adhesive joints. Colloid-chemical approach to increase adhesion strength. Dissolution of polymers. True solutions. Swelling. Thermodynamics of dissolution. Intermolecular interactions in polymer solutions. The Haggins constant. Plasticization of polymers. The influence of temperature, nature of polymer and plasticizer on the plasticization process. Intra- and intermolecular plasticization. Physico-chemical bases of solidification of polymers solutions and wells. Classification of wells of polymers. Conditions of formation of jellies. Mechanism of gel formation processes and structure of polymer gels. Phase state of polymer gels. Polymeric jewels as dispersed colloidal systems. Hydrogels. Emulsions and dispersions of polymer systems. Emulsion polymerization. Suspension polymerization. Nucleation polymerization. Dispersion polymerization in organic media. Emulsion and interphase polycondensation. Colloid-chemical properties of polymer dispersions. Diffusion in polymers. Permeability of polymers. Diffusion and permeability coefficients. Gas and water permeability. Fundamental principles of polymer foam formation. Cellular structure and properties of foamed polymers. Foamers for polymer foams. Models of cellular structure of polymeric materials. Elastic and rigid polymer foams. Physicochemical processes during processing of foamed polymeric materials. Periodic and continuous processes of obtaining products made of foamed polymeric materials. Impact of equipment type and foaming systems. Crystallization of polymers during processing. Influence of factors on the crystallization process: temperature, voltage, nature of the environment. Effect of polymer structure on crystallization. Relaxation processes in polymers.
Recommended Books:
1. Suberlyak O., Skorokhoda V., Semenyuk N. Teoretichni osnovi khimii? ta tekhnologii? polimeriv. –L'viv, v-vo NULP, 2015. -345 s.
2. Lipatov YU.S. Kolloidnaya khimiya polimerov. – Kiyev: Naukova dumka. 1984. – 344 s.
3. Tugov I.I., Kostyrkina G.I. Khimiya i fizika polimerov: ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov. – M.: Khimiya, 1989. – 432 s.
4. Kuleznev V.N., Shershnev V.A.. Khimiya i fizika polimerov. Uch. dlya khim.-tekhnol. vuzov. – M.: «Vysshaya shkola», 1988. – 312 s.
5. Budtov V.P. Fizicheskaya khimiya rastvorov polimerov. – SPb.: Khimiya, 1992. – 384 s.
6. Malkin A.YA., Kulichikhin S.G. Reologiya v protsessakh obrazovaniya i prevrashcheniya polimerov. – M.: Khimiya, 1985. – 240 s.
7. Shutilin YU.F. Fizikokhimiya polimerov / YU.F.Shutilin. – Voronezh: Voronezhskaya oblastnaya tipografiya, 2012. – 840 s.
8. Gol'dman A.YA. Prognozirovaniye deformatsionno-prochnostnykh svoystv polimernykh i kompozitsionnykh materialov. – L.: Khimiya. Leningr. otd-niye, 1988. – 271 s.
9. Bartenev G.M., Frenkel' S.YA. Fizika polimerov/ Pod red.A.M.Yal'shevicha. – L.: Khimiya. Leningr. otd-niye, 1990. – 429 s.
10. Printsipy sozdaniya kompozitsionnykh polimernykh materialov/[Berlin A.A., Vol'fson S.A., Oshmyan V.G., Yenikolopov N.S.]. – M.: Khimiya, 1990. – 237 s.
11. Golovkin G.S., Dmitriyenko V.P. Nauchnyye osnovy proizvodstva izdeliy iz termoplastichnykh kompozitsionnykh materialov. – M.: RUSAKI, 2005. – 472 s.
12. Yeliseyeva V.I. Polimernyye dispersii. – M.: Khimiya, 1980. – 296 s.
13. Kozlov P.V., Papkov S.P. Fiziko-khimicheskiye osnovy plastifikatsii polimerov. –M.: Khimiya, 1982. – 234 s.
14. Kuleznev V.N. Smesi polimerov. – M.: Khimiya, 1980. – 304 s.
15. Kuleznev V.N., Shershnev V.A. Fizika i khimiya polimerov. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 1988. – 313 s.
16. Lipatov YU.S. Mezhfaznyye yavleniya v polimerakh. – Kiyev: Naukova dumka. 1980. – 260 s.
17. Tager A.A. Fiziko-khimiya polimerov. Izd. 3-ye. – M.: Khimiya, 1978. – 544 s.
18. Suberlyak O.V., Bashtannik P.I. Tekhnologiya pererobki polimernikh ta kompozitsiynikh materialiv. – L'viv.: Rastr-7, 2015. – 456 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current and final (semester) control.
Final control is conducted in the form of an exam.