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Technology of Emulsifiers and Stabilizers Production and their Application in Food and Cosmetic Industries
Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.M.40
Credits: 4
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Samaryk Volodymyr Yaroslavovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following programmatic learning outcomes:
1) the ability to demonstrate the systematic knowledge and skills of modern methods of conducting research in the field of chemical technologies for the production and use of surfactants, to obtain materials based on them for use in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries;
2) the ability to demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of creating colloidal systems of different types with optimal use of stabilizing and / or emulsifying systems, scientific studies of their effectiveness and optimality to solve a specific problem;
3) understanding of modern technologies of chemical production of surfactants and tendencies of development of this branch;
4) the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative technical solutions in the technology of surface-active compounds and their use on public health and in the economic and social context.
1) search, analyze and critically evaluate scientific and scientific and technical information regarding new technologies and research in the field of obtaining and using surfactants of different nature from different EU sources and from other countries of the world;
2) apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of synthesis and analysis of elements and systems specific to scientific research in the field of synthesis of surfactants of synthetic or natural origin;
3) to study and model the phenomena and processes in complex colloidal systems (hydrogels, emulsions of different nature, dispersions, etc.) using different naturally occurring surfactants or compositions based on them;
4) apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines (physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, organic chemistry, high molecular weight chemistry, medicine and pharmacy) and taking into account non-technical aspects, while solving theoretical and applied research problems;
5) to combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy of solving scientific and applied problems taking into account common human values, public, state and industrial interests, current legislation;
6) work effectively both individually and as part of a team, including international partnership;
7) independently carry out experimental research in the fields of colloidal chemistry and chemical technology of cosmetics at the current level and apply research skills;
8) evaluate the feasibility and feasibility of applying innovative processes in chemical technologies and related industries;
9) justify the choice of methods for solving the scientific-applied problem, critically evaluate the results obtained and defend the decisions made.
1) the ability to demonstrate the systematic knowledge and skills of modern methods of conducting research in the field of chemical technologies for the production and use of surfactants, to obtain materials based on them for use in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries;
2) the ability to demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of creating colloidal systems of different types with optimal use of stabilizing and / or emulsifying systems, scientific studies of their effectiveness and optimality to solve a specific problem;
3) understanding of modern technologies of chemical production of surfactants and tendencies of development of this branch;
4) the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative technical solutions in the technology of surface-active compounds and their use on public health and in the economic and social context.
1) search, analyze and critically evaluate scientific and scientific and technical information regarding new technologies and research in the field of obtaining and using surfactants of different nature from different EU sources and from other countries of the world;
2) apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of synthesis and analysis of elements and systems specific to scientific research in the field of synthesis of surfactants of synthetic or natural origin;
3) to study and model the phenomena and processes in complex colloidal systems (hydrogels, emulsions of different nature, dispersions, etc.) using different naturally occurring surfactants or compositions based on them;
4) apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines (physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, organic chemistry, high molecular weight chemistry, medicine and pharmacy) and taking into account non-technical aspects, while solving theoretical and applied research problems;
5) to combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy of solving scientific and applied problems taking into account common human values, public, state and industrial interests, current legislation;
6) work effectively both individually and as part of a team, including international partnership;
7) independently carry out experimental research in the fields of colloidal chemistry and chemical technology of cosmetics at the current level and apply research skills;
8) evaluate the feasibility and feasibility of applying innovative processes in chemical technologies and related industries;
9) justify the choice of methods for solving the scientific-applied problem, critically evaluate the results obtained and defend the decisions made.
Required prior and related subjects:
OK2.4 Physicochemical processes in technology of polymers and composites (2 sem)
ВБ2.10 Hydrogels technology based on natural and synthetic polymers for use in the food and cosmetic industry (4 semes)
ВБ2.12 Technology for obtaining colloidal systems of various types as a basis for cosmetics (4 semes)
ВБ2.10 Hydrogels technology based on natural and synthetic polymers for use in the food and cosmetic industry (4 semes)
ВБ2.12 Technology for obtaining colloidal systems of various types as a basis for cosmetics (4 semes)
Summary of the subject:
The course “Technology gained emulsifier and stability and success in hobby and cosmetic industry” is dedicated to attenuation of theoretical knowledge in the field of technology and knowledge in the field of technological production. The course is necessary knowledge about methods and technologies of gaining surface-active benefits of a different type, designation, methods and methods of which are held in Victoria; knowledge of the basics of creating new colloquial systems (suspension, emulsion, gel) in chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and cosmetic industries.
Recommended Books:
1.Van-Chin-Sian Yu.Ya., Dіbrіvny V.M., Sergeyev V.V. The course of colossal chemistry (Top surface and dispersed systems) // Lviv. - 2008 .- 156 p.
2.K.R. Lange Surfactants: synthesis, properties, analysis, application / Translation from English Scientific editor, Ph.D. Chem. Sciences L.P. Zaichenko St. Petersburg Profession. 2004 .- 240 pp.
3. Budishevska O.G., Voronov S.A., Varvarenko S.M. Methodical instructions for the course “Chemistry and technology of cosmetic care” View of the Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv, 2015 p. - 38 p.
4.F. A. Zhoglo. Zhirosahara (Obtaining, properties, application) // Ed. "The medicine". - Moscow. - 1975 .- 112 p.
5.Kovalev V.M., Petrenko D.S. Technology for the production of synthetic detergents: Textbook. allowance for vocational schools. - Moscow, 1992 .- 272 p.
6.F. Sherman Emulsions / Translated from English by N. V. Abramov, E. Malakhov, L. I. Dorofeev; Ed. A.A. Abramzon. - Chemistry, 1972. - 447 p.
7.Voyutsky S.S. The course of colloid chemistry. // Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. “Chemistry”, - Moscow. - 1975.-512 p.
2.K.R. Lange Surfactants: synthesis, properties, analysis, application / Translation from English Scientific editor, Ph.D. Chem. Sciences L.P. Zaichenko St. Petersburg Profession. 2004 .- 240 pp.
3. Budishevska O.G., Voronov S.A., Varvarenko S.M. Methodical instructions for the course “Chemistry and technology of cosmetic care” View of the Lviv Polytechnic, Lviv, 2015 p. - 38 p.
4.F. A. Zhoglo. Zhirosahara (Obtaining, properties, application) // Ed. "The medicine". - Moscow. - 1975 .- 112 p.
5.Kovalev V.M., Petrenko D.S. Technology for the production of synthetic detergents: Textbook. allowance for vocational schools. - Moscow, 1992 .- 272 p.
6.F. Sherman Emulsions / Translated from English by N. V. Abramov, E. Malakhov, L. I. Dorofeev; Ed. A.A. Abramzon. - Chemistry, 1972. - 447 p.
7.Voyutsky S.S. The course of colloid chemistry. // Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. “Chemistry”, - Moscow. - 1975.-512 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: abstracts.
abstract 1 12 points
abstract 2 12 points
Semester control: Exam - 76 points
abstract 1 12 points
abstract 2 12 points
Semester control: Exam - 76 points