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Technology for Obtaining the Various Colloidal Systems as the Basis for Cosmetic Products

Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.M.41
Credits: 4
Department: Organic Chemistry
Lecturer: Budishevska Olha Grigorivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail programmatic learning outcomes such as knowledge:
1) ability to demonstrate system knowledge and skills of modern methods of research in the field of chemical technologies of obtaining colloidal systems of different types, to obtain materials based on them for use in the cosmetic and related fields (food, pharmaceutical);
2) the ability to demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge in the field of creation of colloidal systems of different types, scientific studies of their stability and properties;
3) understanding of modern technologies of chemical production of cosmetic products on the basis of colloidal systems of different types and tendencies of development of this industry;
4) the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of innovative technical solutions in cosmetic technology on public health and in the economic and social context.
1) search, analyze and critically evaluate scientific and scientific and technical information regarding new technologies and research in the field of obtaining colloidal systems of different types from different sources in the EU and other countries of the world;
2) apply knowledge and understanding to solve the problems of synthesis and analysis of elements and systems characteristic of scientific research in the field of obtaining colloidal systems of different types;
3) to study and simulate phenomena and processes in complex colloidal systems (hydrogels, emulsions of different nature, dispersions, etc.);
4) apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines (physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, organic chemistry, chemistry of macromolecular compounds, medicine and pharmacy) and taking into account non-technical aspects, while solving theoretical and applied problems in the field of research of colloidal systems of different type for cosmetics.
Required prior and related subjects:
OK2.4. Physico-chemical processes in technology of polymers and composites 3 exam
BБ2.13 Technology for the production of emulsifiers and stabilizers and their use in the food and cosmetic industries
Summary of the subject:
The course "Technology of obtaining colloidal systems of various types as the basis of cosmetics" is devoted to the deepening of theoretical knowledge in the discipline of "Colloid chemistry" and knowledge in the field of theory of formation, structure of colloidal systems of different types and their stability. The course provides knowledge of methods and technologies for obtaining colloidal systems of various types; knowledge in the field of application of various colloidal systems (suspensions, emulsions, gels, etc.) as the basics of cosmetics and knowledge in the field of methods of research and analysis of various colloidal systems by modern methods.
Recommended Books:
1. Budyshevskaya OG Electronic training and methodological complex "Technology of obtaining colloidal systems of different types as the basis of cosmetics" in the virtual educational environment of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" for postgraduate students of specialty 161 Chemical technologies and engineering //
2. Budishevskaya O.G., Voronov S.A., Varvarenko S.M. Raw materials for the production of cosmetics. Part 1. Guidelines for the course "Chemistry and Technology of Cosmetics" Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, Lviv, 2015 - 38 p.
3. Budishevska O.H., Voronov S.A. Electronic educational-methodical complex "Chemistry and technology of cosmetics" in the virtual educational environment of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" for students of bachelors // 28.05.2014.) Http : //vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php? id = 6765
4. Wang-Chin-Sian Yu.Ya., Dibrіvny V.M., Sergeev V.V. Course of Colloidal Chemistry (Surface Phenomena and Disperse Systems) // Lviv. - 2008. - 156 p.
5. Tovazhnyansky L.L., Bukhkalo S.I., Kapustenko P.A., Orlova E.I. General technology of food production in examples and tasks: Textbook.-K .: Center for educational literature.
6. Plahotin VY, Turikova IS, Khomich GP Theoretical foundations of food production technologies: Textbook.-K .: Center for educational literature.- 2006. –640 p.
7. N.M. Nizhnichenko, V.I. Magda. Colloid Chemistry: A Textbook. - Poltava. - 2007. - 219 p.
8. Kostrzhytsky A.I., Kalinkov O.Y., Tishchenko V.M., Beregova O.M. Physical and colloidal chemistry. Educ. pos. - K .: Center for Educational Literature. - 2008. - 496 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Total for the discipline - 100 points. Current control - 24 (colloquium 1 - 12; colloquium 2 - 12). Exam - 76 (written component - 56; oral component - 20).