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Сhristal Chemistry of Silicates

Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.M.28
Credits: 4
Department: Chemical Technology of Silicate Materials
Lecturer: prof. Lutsyuk Iryna Volodymyrivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- knowledge of the external and internal structure of crystals, defects in the structure of crystals and the establishment of the relationship "composition-structure-properties" of materials;
- possession of basic methods for determining the elements of crystal symmetry and establishing the classification position of the crystal in the general systematics of crystalline bodies;
- the ability to analyze the outer shape of crystals and determine the morphological features of their outer face;
- knowledge of crystal-chemical properties of minerals depending on the geological processes of formation, phase and chemical compositions of the mineral-forming environment and thermodynamic parameters in the bowels of the earth's crust and on its surface;
- the ability to use knowledge, skills and skills in the diagnosis of rocks and minerals during exploration and maintenance operations;
- knowledge of areas, conditions and features of use of silicate materials.
Required prior and related subjects:
Innovative processes in chemical technologies
Numerical modeling of chemical technology processes
Physicochemical methods of silicate analysis
Chemical technology of silicates
Summary of the subject:
Basic concepts about the structure of crystals. Determination and calculation of the number of atoms in elementary cells. Elements of symmetry of crystal lattices. X-rays and crystal structure. Types of chemical bonds. The most dense fillings in crystalline structures. Structural types of crystals. Systematics of crystal-chemical types of crystals by the nature of physico-chemical bonds. Systematics of structural types by coordination features. Crystal chemistry of silicates. Polymorphism. Isomorphism and solid solutions. Solid solutions of the second kind. Defects of the lattice. Defects in the structure of crystals. The emergence and growth of crystals. Zonal crystals. Structure of crystal faces. Dissolution and regeneration of crystals. Factors affecting the appearance of crystals. Concentration flows.
Recommended Books:
1. Кurоvеts М. І. Кrystаlоhrаfіia і mіnеrаlоhіia : u 2-kh chаst. – Ch. 1 : Krystalohrafiia mіnеrаlіv : nаvch. pоsіb. / М. І. Кurоvеts. – Lviv : Svіt, 1996. – 236 s. (in Ukrainian)
2. Тоrоpоv N. А. Кrystаlоhrаfіia і mіnеrаlоhіiaя / N. А. Тоrоpоv, L. N. Bulаk. – L. : Izdд-vо literatury pо strоitеlstvu, 1972. – 499 s. (in Russian)
3. Shаskоlskаia М. P. Кrystаllоhrаfiia : Uchеbnik dlia vuzоv / М. P. Shаskоlskаiaя. – М. : Vysshaia shkоlа, 1976. – 391 s. (in Russian)
Assessment methods and criteria:
control work (40%);
exam (written-oral form, 60%)