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Electrochemical and Hydrogen Energetics

Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.M.25
Credits: 4
Department: Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Substances
Lecturer: Doctor of Science, prof. Kuntyi Orest Ivanovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• To know the theory, designs, performance and production of modern chemical current sources and batteries;
• to know the theory, designs, operational characteristics and production of modern electrochemical generators (hydrogen-oxygen, based on organic compounds);
• to know the trends of chemical sources of current, batteries, fuel cells;
• understand the role of nanomaterials in the progress of electrochemical energy;
• Know the theoretical and technological principles of hydrogen generation as a basis for hydrogen energy;
• to know the theoretical and technological principles of hydrogen storage by the principle of action of the storage systems;
• Know the general design of devices for hydrogen production and storage;
• know the general design of devices for energy generation by electrochemical methods and using hydrogen technologies;
• be able to apply modern methods of energy generation to solve specific production problems.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Inorganic chemistry.
• Сhemistry and technology of nanomaterials.
• Physical chemistry.
Summary of the subject:
The discipline covers theoretical principles, technological aspects, hardware design for energy generation by electrochemical methods, production, accumulation and use of hydrogen for energy production.
Recommended Books:
1. Кошель М.Д. Теоретичні основи електрохімічної енергетики: Підручник. – Дніпропетровськ: УДХТУ, 2002. – 430 с.
2. Нетрадиційні електрохімічні системи перетворення енергії / Є.В. Кузьмінський, Г.Я. Колбасов, Ю.Я. Тевтуль, Н.Б. Голуб. – Київ: Академперіодика, 2002. – 182 с.
3. Технічна електрохімія. Ч.5: Сучасні хімічні джерела струму, електроліз розплавів, електросинтез хімічних речовин / Б.І. Байрачний, Г.Г. Тульський, В.В. Штефан, І.А. Токарєва. – Харків: Вид-во “Підручник НТУ “ХПІ”, 2016. – 272 с.
4. Волков С.В., Ковальчук Є.П., Огенко В.М., Решетняк О.В. Нанохімія. Наносистеми. Наноматеріали. – К.: Наукова думка, 2008. – 424 с.

1. Наукові журнали: Chemical Reviews, Electrochimіса Acta, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Catalysis Today, Electrochemistry Communications, Journal Solid State Electrochemistry, Journal Applied Electrochemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Power Sources, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.

2. Jones, J.C. (March 2015). "Energy-return-on-energy-invested for hydrogen fuel from the steam reforming of natural gas.". Fuel. 143: 631.
3. Ono, Katsutoshi (January 2015). "Fundamental Theories on a Combined Energy Cycle of an Electrostatic Induction Hydrogen Electrolytic Cell and Fuel Cell to Produce Fully Sustainable Hydrogen Energy.". Electrical Engineering in Japan. 190
4. Greenhouse gas treatment and H2 production, by warm plasma reforming. J. Pacheco, G. Soria, M. Pacheco. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Volume 40, Issue 48, 28 December 2015, Pages 17165–17171
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Specialization Writing (30%)
• Exam (70%)