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Research Techniques of Cinetic and Hydrodynamic Parameters of Hydrocarbon Mixtures Recycling Processes Modelling and Calculation

Major: Chemical technology and engineering
Code of Subject: 8.161.00.M.29
Credits: 4
Department: Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing
Lecturer: Pyshyev Serhiy
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- knowledge basic facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to chemistry, mechanisms and principles of chemical transformations of substances;
- theoretical foundations of technologies for the production of chemicals, as well as materials and products based on them;
- methods of chemical and physical-chemical analysis of raw materials, chemical products and products based on them;
- skills to select and apply knowledge and understanding of chemistry to solve qualitative and quantitative problems in chemical production;
evaluate the impact of technological factors on the composition of the final product;
- to summarize the data obtained from laboratory tests and measurements in terms of their significance, and to correlate them with the relevant theory;
- to establish the connection of the obtained data with the results of mathematical modeling of chemical and chemical-technological processes;
- use modern information and communication technologies for searching, analyzing, calculating and creating graphic and text documents, as well as mathematical analysis and statistical processing in research and design.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theory of technological processes of processing of combustible minerals;
Processes of industrial petrochemistry;
Scientific bases of anticorrosive protection of equipment of oil refineries;
Scientific bases of processes of processing of oil residues and spent oil products.
Summary of the subject:
Kinetic regularities of reactions of transformation of components of combustible minerals. Hydrodynamic regularities of the reactions of the transformation of the components of combustible minerals occurring in the fluidized bed. Hydrodynamic regularities of the reactions of the transformation of components of combustible minerals occurring in the bubbling laye.
Recommended Books:
1. Братичак М.М., Пиш’єв С.В., Рудкевич М.І. Хімія та технологія переробки вугілля. – Львів: В-цтво “Бескид Біт”. – 2006. – 272 с.
2. Жоров Ю.М. Термодинамика химических процессов. Москва: Химия, 1985.
3. И.И.Иоффе, В.А.Решетов, А.М.Добротворский. Гетерогенный катализ. Ленинград: Химия.1985.
4. В.М. Жизневський, З.Г.Піх. Каталіз. Теоретичні основи та практичне використання. Київ. 1997.
5. Тодес О.М. Аппараты с кипящим зернистым слоем / О.М. Тодес, О.Б. Цитович. – Л.: Химия,1981. – 296 с.
6. Расчеты аппаратов кипящего слоя: [справочник] / А.П. Баскаков, Б.П. Лукачевский, И.П. Мухленов [и др.]; под ред. И.П. Мухленова, Б.С. Сажина, В.Ф. Фролова. – Л.: Химия, 1986. – 352 с.
7. Иоффе И.И. Инженерная химия гетерогенного катализа / И.И. Иоффе, Л.М. Письмен. – Л.: Химия, 1972. – 463 с.
8. Kinetic regularities of high-sulphuric brown coal oxidative desulphurization / Serhiy Pysh’yev, Volodymyr Gunka, Michael Bratychak, Yurij Grytsenko // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. – 2011. – Vol. 5, № 1. – Р. 107-113.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The exam is a written-oral form.
Current control (PC) - written and oral express control - 20 points.
Examination: written component -60 points, oral component - 20 points.
Total for the discipline - 100 points.