Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua


Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.7
Credits: 9
Department: General Physics
Lecturer: Associate Professor of Physics Ph.D. Karkulovska Mar'yana Savivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The results of studies of this discipline go into detail such programmatic results of studies:
1. Ability to show knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles that are the basis of physics.
2. Ability to show knowledge of bases of physics in area of geodesy and organization of the use of land.
2. Ability to show knowledge of bases of physics in area of knowledge of Science about Earth
3. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding for the decision of quality and quantitative tasks in physics,evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of information of data
4. Ability to do a physical experiment in laboratory terms and estimate the got results
5.To apply knowledge and understanding of physical laws for authentication, formulation and decision of technical tasks of speciality, using the known methods.
6. Ability responsibly to behave to executable work and arrive at the put aim with the observance of requirements of professional ethics
7. Search for information from various sources and work on basic skills in professional subjects.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Pre-requisites:
Physics course and math course for high school
• Cor-requisites:
Higher mathematics
Summary of the subject:
Summary of academic discipline Basic laws of kinematics and dynamics of forward androtatory motions of bodies; laws of maintenance are inmechanics; bases of MKT of ideal gases, statistical physicsand thermodynamics; electrostatics and electrodynamics; а concept is about oscillation, addition of vibrations, oscillating systems; a concept is about mechanical,, electromagnetic sound-waves; basic concepts of photometry, geometrical optics, wave optics; basic concepts of quantum mechanics; physics of atoms and molecules; elements of physics of atomic kernel; elements of physics of solid.
Recommended Books:

• Lopatinsky I. E., Zacek I.R., Karkulovska M.S. [and others] Physics for students of geodetic fields. Textbook. - Lviv, 2020 - 304 pp.
• Lopatinsky I. E., Zacek I.R. [and others.] Physics for geodesic specialties. Textbook. - Lviv, Vyd. NU "LP", 2015 - 340 pp.
• Volovik P.M.Physics for universities.- K .; Irpin:Perun, 2005- 864 pp.
• Collection of physics papers. Teaching manual. - Ed. І.Р. Zacheka - Lviv, Vyd. NU "LP", 2016
• Collection of problems in physics with solutions. Teaching manual. - Ed. І.Р. Zacheka - Lviv, 2020
• Laboratory Physics Workshop. Part 1. - Lviv, Vyd. NU "LP", 2018
• Laboratory Physics Workshop. Part 2. - Lviv, Vyd. NU "LP", 2006
• Laboratory Physics Workshop. Part 3. - Lviv, Vyd. NU "LP", 2007
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (40%): control of independent work of student, calculation work, verbal questioning is at admittance and defence of laboratory works
• Final contro (60%): examination