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Information GNSS Resources

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.07.E.135
Credits: 6
Department: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Lecturer: Art. teacher, Ph.D. Oksana Serant
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability using modern computer technology to create digital geospatial model.
2. Ability to use methodological approaches to assessing natural resources and its environment-friendly forms of use and reproduction.
3. Ability to prepare the necessary documentation and applications for patent and copyright certificates.
4. Ability to formulate problems and build information model of processes for processing obtained practical data.
5. Ability to formulate goals and tasks of monitoring research, design basic models of typical residential research in the development of space monitoring.
6. Ability to create the required data model and design specifications for information.
7. Ability to design base of geospatial data of space monitoring based on unified model.
Required prior and related subjects:
Space monitoring of the Earth,
Satellite navigation
Summary of the subject:
Tasks object, purpose and content of the discipline. Information Resources: types, classification and development. Getting to know the latest developments in the field of satellite technology in geodesy. Search and using satellite ephemeris specified GPS. The exchange between remote arrays observations permanent GNSS stations. Use of the INTERNET for solving various problems in the field of geodesy. Information resources in a coordinate - time support. Information resources in a coordinate - time support. The systems and timeline. Functions time in satellite technology. GNSS data bases: global, regional and national. Information resources GNSS equipment manufacturers and software. Basics network of active GNSS reference stations.
Recommended Books:
1. Evstaf?ev O.V. Nazemnaya ynfrastruktura HNSS dlya tochnoho pozytsyonyrovanyya. M.: OOO «Yzdatel?stvo «Prospekt», 2009. - Р. 48.
2. Litnarovych R.M. Konstruyuvannya i doslidzhennya matematychnykh modeley. Model? punktu GPS sposterezhen?. MEHU, Rivne, 2009, - Р.104.
3. Henyke A.A., Pobedynskyy H.H. Hlobal?naya sputnykovaya systema opredelenyya mestopolozhenyya GPS y ee prymenenye v heodezyy. –M.: Kartheotsentr-Heodezyzdat, 1999. – Р. 272.
4. Merezha referentsnykh GNSS stantsiy: http://zakpos.zakgeo.com.ua/
5. GNSS Calendar: http://www.rvdi.com/freebies/gpscalendar.html
6. The International GNSS Service (IGS): http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/components/ prods.html
7. EPN karta: http://www.epncb.oma.be/_networkdata/stationmaps.php
8. SOPAC: http://sopac.ucsd.edu/ cgi-bin/dbShowArraySitesMap.cgi
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: oral oral and express surveys - 5%, protection of laboratory reports -35%,
Final control: exam (written component - 50%, oral component - 10%)