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Fundamentals of Real Estate Appraisal Technical Support

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.04.E.106
Credits: 6
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: D. Hubar Yury Petrovich
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Acquire theoretical base of real estate and classification, its objectives and goals algorithm and conceptual bases its estimates.
2. Master the modern methodological approaches to the assessment and management of real estate.
3. Be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and assess the impacts on the formation of the value of the property.
4. Analyze the economic, social, engineering and technical condition of the property.
5. The ability to learn to perceive their knowledge in the field of geodesy, photogrammetry, land management, Cartography and Geoinformation and integrate them with existing data.
6. The search and critically analyze information from different sources.
7. Be able to evaluate real estate methodological approaches.
8. Monitor land market
Required prior and related subjects:
The basis for their property.
State Land Cadastre,
Technical and regulatory support assessment of land and property.
Summary of the subject:
Normative price of land and the ways of its determination. Regulatory monetary valuation of land settlements. Regulatory monetary valuation of agricultural land. Normative monetary evaluation non-agricultural land outside settlements. The purpose and objectives of the analysis. The most effective use of free land, improved land. Special cases when analyzing the best use of land. The methodical approach to comparing sale prices of similar objects (unique selling). The methodical approach capitalization of net income. The methodical approach with regard to costs for the construction of real estate. The method of comparison sales. Economic method. The method of correlation. Method capitalization of rent. Investment method. The method of remaining land. The method of distribution of income. Method development. General requirements to report the expert money valuation of property. Structure of the report to assess the property.
Recommended Books:
1. Perovych L.M. Otsinka nerukhomosti: navch.posibnyk / L.M.Perovych, Yu.P.Hubar. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2010. – 296s.
2. Frydman D., Orduэy N. Analyz y otsenka prynosyashchey dokhod nedvyzhymosty. — M.: Delo LTD, 1995. — 440s.
3. Kharryson H. S. Otsenka nedvyzhymosty. — M.: RYO Mosobluprpolyhrafyzdat, 1994. — 231s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Reports of laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (40%).
• final control 60% control measure, test): written, oral form (60%).