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Geodesy, p. 1

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.16
Credits: 8
Department: Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Volodymyr Litynskyy, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Serhii Perii
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
To know :
• the requirements for the construction of height geodetic networks III and IV classes; structure, working principle, inspection and research precision optical and digital levels; structure, checks and bar code staff; instructional requirements construction of plane geodetic networks; structure, inspection and research of precise optical and digital theodolites;
To be able:
• to carry out inspection and investigation of optical and digital levels; measure the height diferences by optical and digital levels; balance heigt geodetic networks; measure horizontal and vertical angles by precise optical and digital theodolites; transfer effect of random and systematic errors in measurement results of horizontal angles.
Required prior and related subjects:
physics, higher mathematics,
electronic surveying instruments, mathematical processing of geodetic measurements
Summary of the subject:
Leveling. Instruments used for geometric leveling III and IV classes. Leveling III and IV classes. Errors and Accuracy of III, IV classes; requirement for the results. Balancing level survey and networks. Automation leveling. The plane network condensation. The methods of making plane geodetic networks. Polygonometrical survey. Angle measurement in poliґonometry 4 Class 1 and 2 class. Distance measurement in poliґonometry 4 Class 1 and 2 class. Attachable work in poliґonometry.
Recommended Books:
1. Островський А.Л., Мороз О.І., Тарнавський В.Л. Геодезія, частина ІІ: Підручник для вузів. Львів. НУ «Львівська політхніка», 2007. – 508 с.
2. Шевченко Т.Г., Мороз О.І., Тревого І.С. Геодезичні прилади: Підручник / За редакцією Т.Г.Шевченка. – Львів: вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2006. – 464 с.
3. Літинський В., Перій С. Конспект лекцій.
4. Віртуальне середовище – http://vns.lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=3448
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Write reports on laboratory work, vocal examination, two graphic works - 100 points.