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Sustainable Land Management

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.03.E.97
Credits: 6
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Stupen Nazar Mikhailovich
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know the basic sciences to the extent necessary for mastering general professional disciplines;
2. know the legal principles of software management, security, accounting and valuation of land at the national, regional, local and economic levels,
3. The procedure of state registration of land and other real estate and restrictions on their use;
4. own methods of collecting information, its systematization and classification according to the delivered project or production targets Land Management content;
5. possess modern geodetic and photogrammetric techniques and technologies;
6. own technologies and techniques of planning;
7. own methods of Land Management, territorial and farm land, planning, land use and protection, taking into account the impact of a number of conditions, socio-economic, environmental, landscape, natural-circuit nature and other factors;
8. know the methods and techniques of land management at the national, regional and local levels, planning land use and protection, zniman inventory and cadastre;
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous: Principles inventory of estate
Related and the following: Land Policy
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical basis of management development areas. Development planning. Company management development areas. Adjustment of planning, construction and other use areas. Organizational and legal regulation development areas. Building Infrastructure Development Area, its essence and components.
Recommended Books:
Land Code of Ukraine: Scientific and practical comment / under total. Ed. VI Semchyk. - 3rd ed., Revised. and add. - K .: Publishing House "John Jure", 2007.- 896 p.
2 Legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine: Coll. norm. law. acts and sud. prosecutor. practice / under total. Ed. MI Gavryliuk. - K .: Human. unity: Alert, 2013. - 1312 p.
3 The concept of a unified system of regulations in the area of state land cadastre [approved. Order of the State Committee for Land Resources of Ukraine of 12.12.2008. №610] // Land Management Journal. - 2009. - №1.
4 Law of Ukraine "On Land Valuation" (Verkhovna Rada (VVR), December 11, 2003, №1378-IV).
5 Law of Ukraine "On the assessment of property, property rights and professional valuation activities in Ukraine" (Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada (VVR), 2001, №47, st.251).
6 Law of Ukraine of 17.02.2011 number 3038-vi "On regulation of urban development."
7 Didyk VV, Paul, AP Planning cities: Textbook / V. Didyk, AP Paul. - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2006. - 412 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports on practical work (40), control work (10)
intermediate control (40, control measure, test): written-oral form (10)

Sustainable Land Management

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.04.E.107
Credits: 6
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Stupen Nazar Mikhailovich
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Know the basic sciences to the extent necessary for mastering general professional disciplines;
2. know the legal principles of software management, security, accounting and valuation of land at the national, regional, local and economic levels,
3. The procedure of state registration of land and other real estate and restrictions on their use;
4. own methods of collecting information, its systematization and classification according to the delivered project or production targets Land Management content;
5. possess modern geodetic and photogrammetric techniques and technologies;
6. own technologies and techniques of planning;
7. own methods of Land Management, territorial and farm land, planning, land use and protection, taking into account the impact of a number of conditions, socio-economic, environmental, landscape, natural-circuit nature and other factors;
8. know the methods and techniques of land management at the national, regional and local levels, planning land use and protection, zniman inventory and cadastre;
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous: Principles inventory of estate
Related and the following: Land Policy
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical basis of management development areas. Development planning. Company management development areas. Adjustment of planning, construction and other use areas. Organizational and legal regulation development areas. Building Infrastructure Development Area, its essence and components.
Recommended Books:
1 Land Code of Ukraine: Scientific and practical comment / under total. Ed. VI Semchyk. - 3rd ed., Revised. and add. - K .: Publishing House "John Jure", 2007.- 896 p.
2 Legal regulation of land relations in Ukraine: Coll. norm. law. acts and sud. prosecutor. practice / under total. Ed. MI Gavryliuk. - K .: Human. unity: Alert, 2013. - 1312 p.
3 The concept of a unified system of regulations in the area of state land cadastre [approved. Order of the State Committee for Land Resources of Ukraine of 12.12.2008. №610] // Land Management Journal. - 2009. - №1.
4 Law of Ukraine "On Land Valuation" (Verkhovna Rada (VVR), December 11, 2003, №1378-IV).
5 Law of Ukraine "On the assessment of property, property rights and professional valuation activities in Ukraine" (Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada (VVR), 2001, №47, st.251).
6 Law of Ukraine of 17.02.2011 number 3038-vi "On regulation of urban development."
7 Didyk VV, Paul, AP Planning cities: Textbook / V. Didyk, AP Paul. - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2006. - 412 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on practical work (40), control work (10)
• intermediate control (40, control measure, test): written-oral form (10)