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State Land fnd Cadastre fnd Real Estate Appraisal

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.56
Credits: 9
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Candidate of Economic Sciences Muzyka Nataliya
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of studying the discipline, the future specialist should master the methodology and methodology of land cadastre, methods of evaluation and use of materials of cartographic and geodetic purpose, conduct geodetic surveys and surveys, know the theory and technology of creating automated cadastral systems (land information systems), geographic information systems, perform the whole set of works on analysis, accounting, evaluation and taxation of land resources in the system of state land cadastre Suwat inventory data to address economical, surveying and other tasks.
Required prior and related subjects:
Surveying Part I
Surveying Part II
Surveying Part III
Land management
Summary of the subject:
The general concept of the state land cadastre. Characteristics of the state land cadastre. Land resources as an object of the state land cadastre. Regulatory monetary valuation of land settlements. Methodology of regulatory monetary valuation of agricultural land. Automation of keeping the state land cadastre. Cadastral surveys. Soil Boning, Economic Monetary Valuation of Lands as Components of the State Land Cadastre. State registration of land. Land quantity and quality accounting.
Recommended Books:
1. A law of Ukraine is "On the State landed cadastre". // [Electronic resource]. Access mode. http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/3613-17.
2. Resolution of cabinet of Ukraine from October, 17 in 2012 № 1051 Kyiv. "About claim of Order of conduct of the Statelanded cadastre". // [Electronic resource]. Access mode. https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1051-2012.
3. Decrees of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food “On Approval of the Procedure of Normative Monetary Valuation of the Lands of Settlements”. // [Electronic resource]. Access mode. . https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z1647-16.
4. Land Code of Ukraine. // [Electronic resource]. Access mode. https: // zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2768-14.
5. Земельний кадастр-основа регулювання земельних відносин. Монографія. Під. Ред.. д.е.н., проф. М.Г. Ступеня. – Львів : ТзОВ “Ліга-Прес” 2011. – 308 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- written reports on practical works, oral examination, control work (40%);
- final control (60% verification event, test): written-oral form (60%);