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Technical Expertise of Buildings and Structures

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.04.E.113
Credits: 5
Department: Cadastre of Territory
Lecturer: Vynarchyk L.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of design methodologies, relevant regulations, applicable standards and specifications.
2. Ability to critically evaluate the results of arguments and defend decisions.
3. The ability to use a variety of methods, including information technology.
4. The ability to organize their own activities for effective time management.
Required prior and related subjects:
Fundamentals estate inventory
Organization and Management
Summary of the subject:
Technical examination of buildings (structures) is conducted to identify the actual technical state of building structures, determining the actual load capacity of structural elements on the basis of existing data loads and full-scale survey (Evaluation of residual life). The practical result of the experts is to develop technical solutions to address identified in the survey defects and damages, as well as drawing up recommendations on further operation of the facility.
Recommended Books:
1. Порядок прийняття в експлуатацію закінчених будівництвом об’єктів, затверджений постановою КМУ від 13.04.2011 р. №461.
2. ДБН В.2.2-15-2005 Житлові будинки для індивідуальних забудовників України.
3. ДБН В.3.2-2-2009 Житлові будинки. Реконструкція та капітальний ремонт.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• written reports on laboratory work, oral examination, reference work (40%);
• final control (60% control measure, test): written, oral form 60%).