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Higher Geodesy

Major: Geodesy and Land Management
Code of Subject: 6.193.00.O.55
Credits: 6
Department: Higher Geodesy and Astronomy
Lecturer: prof. Stepan Savchuk,
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- o know the basic theory of the Earth figure and the external gravitational field;
- o know the methods for determining the external gravity field and the Earth's surface;
- be able to apply tools and technologies of Geodesy to solve various problems of Geodesy; Geodynamics, Cartography, etc;
Required prior and related subjects:
Satellite Geodesy and Spherical Astronomy
Summary of the subject:
This course is designed for students to learn the fundamental foundations of mathematical and theoretical geodesy, which are components of higher geodesy - a science that deals with the definition of the form, size and gravitational field of the Earth. The study of the geometry of the earth ellipsoid, the methods of solving various geodetic problems on its surface, the reflection of the earth ellipsoid on the plane in order to obtain systems of flat rectangular coordinates are the main content of the section "Mathematical Geodesy". Accordingly, the section dealing with methods for determining the parameters of the earth ellipsoid, its orientation in the body of the Earth, reducing the measured values from the physical surface of the earth to the ellipsoid, the theoretical basis for determining the heights of the points of the earth's surface, etc., is called "Theoretical geodesy".
Recommended Books:
Savchuk S.G. Vyshcha heodeziya. Zhytomyr: ZHDTU, 2005. - 315 s
Assessment methods and criteria:
written reports by laboratory work, oral examination, test (30%);
final control (70 %, control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)