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Numerical Methods

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.20
Credits: 5
Department: Artificial Intelligence Systems
Lecturer: Mochurad L.I.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- principles of constructing numerical algorithms;
- the basis of approximate calculations;
- sumeric methods of linear and nonlinear algebra;
- numerical methods of approximation of functions;
- methods of numerical differentiation and integration of functions;
- complete methods for solving ordinary differential equations;
- complete methods for solving integral equations;
be able to:
- design, program, test and debug programs that implement numerical methods;
- detect mathematical problems using mathematical packages;
- make a reasonable choice of numerical method in solving a practical problem.
Required prior and related subjects:
Discrete mathematics
Mathematical analysis
Linear algebra and analytic geometry
Differential equations
Summary of the subject:
Fundamentals of the theory of errors Direct methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations Iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations Methods of solving problems of eigenvalues Interpolation of functions Numerical differentiation Numerical integration
Recommended Books:
1. Г. Г. Цегелик. Чисельні методи. — Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2004. — 408 с.
2. Матвійчук Я.М. Методи та алгоритми обчислень на ЕОМ / Навч. посібник. – Львів: Ліга-Прес, 2008. – 84 с.
3. С. Шахно. Чисельні методи лінійної алгебри. — Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2007. — 245 с.
4. Д. Г. Мэтьюз, К. Д. Финк. Численные методы. Использование MATLAB, 3-е издание: Пер. с англ. — М.: Издательский дом “Вильямс”, 2001. — 720 с.
5. Ю. Л. Кетков, А. Ю. Кетков, Шульц М. М. MATLAB 7: программирование, численные методы. — СПб: БХВ-Петербург, 2005. — 752 с.

Assessment methods and criteria:
laboratory works - 40
written component - 50
oral component – 10

Numerical Methods

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.19
Credits: 5
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Numerical Methods

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.18
Credits: 5
Department: Automated Control Systems
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria: