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Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.36
Credits: 5
Department: Artificial Intelligence Systems
Lecturer: Boyko N.I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. Use the acquired knowledge to formulate optimization tasks for the creation of computer decision-making systems.
2. Apply application packages to create optimization tasks.
3. Use knowledge acquisition for intellectual analysis using evolutionary methods and algorithms.
4. To form knowledge and practical skills for using the basic methods of solving problems of mathematical programming for solving decision-making problems.
5. To provide a unified methodological basis for the interaction of the course Mathematical methods for the study of operations and other subject disciplines.
6. Have an idea of the state and prospect of the development of mathematical programming and their software.
7. Analyze data.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous disciplines
Intelligent data analysis
Project management process management
Methods and means of data integration
Related and subsequent disciplines
Data visualization
The theory of decision making
Machine learning
Summary of the subject:
Mathematical methods of research of operations are the part of the cycle of professional training of specialists of the first bachelor level of education. The offered training course will provide students with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and understanding related to the areas of mathematical programming, which will enable them to effectively perform the tasks of an innovative character of the appropriate level of professional activity, which is focused on research and solving complex designing problems and the development of information systems to meet the needs of science, business and enterprises in various fields.
Recommended Books:
1. Zaychenko Yu.P. Investigation of operations: Textbook. - 6 ed., Pererab. and add / Yu.P. Zaychenko - Kiev: Publishing House "Word"., 2003.- 688 p.
2. Zaychenko O.Yu. Operations Research. Collection of tasks / O.Yu. Zaychenko, Yu.P. Zaychenko - K .: Publishing House "Word", 2007. 472 p.
3. Larionov Yu.I. Investigation of Operations in Information Systems / Yu.I. Larionov, V.M. Levikin, MA Khazhmuradov - Kharkiv .: SMIT Company, 2005.-364 p.
4. Kostevich L.S. Mathematical programming: Inform. Technologies of optimal solutions: Textbook. Manual / L.S. Kostevich - Minsk: New Knowledge, 2003.-424 p.
5. Tomashevsky V.М. Simulation of systems. Textbook / V.M. Tomashevsky - K: Publishing group VNV, 2007. 352 p.
6. Globa L.S. Mathematical Foundations of Construction of Information and Telecommunication Systems / L.S. Globa - K: Novita-plus, 2007.-360 p.
7. Ilchenko M.Yu. Modern Telecommunication Systems / M.Yu. Ilchenko, S.O. Kravchuk - K: Scientific-Production Enterprise "Publishing House" Naukova Dumka "of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", 2008.- 328 p.
8. Zgurovsky M.Z. Fundamentals of System Analysis / M.Z. Zgurovsky, ND Pankratova-K: BHV Publishing Group, 2007-544c.
9. Bunin SG Self-organizing radio networks with super-polar radio signals / SG Bunin, AP Voyter, ME Ilchenko V.A. Romanyuk-K: Scientific-production enterprise "Publishing House" Nauka Dumka "of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", 2012. - 444 p.
10. Bakulin MG MIMO Technology: Principles and Algorithms / M.G. Bakulin, LA Varukina, VB Kreindelin - M: Hotline - Telecom, 2014. - 244 p.
11. Samsonov V.V. Algorithms for solving optimization problems: Textbook / VV Samsonov - K: NUKHT, 2014.-300 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Laboratory protection - 40
Together for PC - 40
Examination Control (written component) – 20

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.35
Credits: 5
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria:

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.O.34
Credits: 5
Department: Automated Control Systems
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
Recommended Books:
Assessment methods and criteria: