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Processing and Analysis of Digital Signals

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.04.E.161
Credits: 6
Department: Artificial Intelligence Systems
Lecturer: R.Ya.Kosarevych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of the study of the discipline, the student should be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: to know: application areas and basic applied aspects of machine learning; basic concepts and principles of work of artificial neural networks; be able to: correctly formulate the tasks that arise in the practical activity, to solve them by means of machine learning methods; to analyze a specific problem in order to select the best method of machine learning for its solution; to carry out the analysis and synthesis of informative features; to analyze the work of machine learning methods to identify their strengths and weaknesses
Required prior and related subjects:
Discrete Math
Mathematical analysis
Linear algebra
Probability theory
Mathematical statistics
Summary of the subject:
Sampling and Quantization Convolution, Correlation, Cross-Correlation Time Domain vs. Frequency Domain FFT, DCT Spectrogram MFCC z-Transform Kalman Filter
Recommended Books:
Stephen Marsland. Machine Learning). Лінійна: An Alg). Лінійнаorithmic Perspective, 452 р.,
Ethem Alpaydin. Introduction To Machine Learning). Лінійна, 584 p., 2009.
Tom M. Mitchell. Machine Learning). Лінійна
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control
Laboratory work 40 points
Examination control
Written component of 60 points
Oral component 0 points
Total 100 points