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Political Science
Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.00.M.61
Credits: 3
Department: Political Science and International Relations
Lecturer: PhD, asossiated proffesor Ilnytska U.V.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know the nature of the basic concepts and terms, political science; general characteristics, specific activities and functioning of policies; characteristics, structure, functions of the political system;
Know the nature, characteristics, functions of the state as the basic institution of the political system; the essence of the concept of form state;
Know the nature, characteristics and types of forms of government; political regimes, state-territorial structure; system of government in Ukraine; Main directions of foreign policy of Ukraine;
Can to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the state and the world's social and political processes.
Know the nature, characteristics, functions of the state as the basic institution of the political system; the essence of the concept of form state;
Know the nature, characteristics and types of forms of government; political regimes, state-territorial structure; system of government in Ukraine; Main directions of foreign policy of Ukraine;
Can to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice in assessing and analyzing the state and the world's social and political processes.
Required prior and related subjects:
• History of Ukrainian statehood and culture
• Philosophy
• Philosophy
Summary of the subject:
Politics and political science: subject, functions and methods of political science, policy actors. Political power and political system. The process of political socialization. Political participation and its forms. Institute of political leadership. Political parties, party and electoral system. The democratic principles of elections. State and civil society. The rule of law and civil society. Political regimes: democracy and democratic political regimes. Undemocratic political regimes. The system of governance in Ukraine: structure and powers of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the constitutional status of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the judiciary. Features of local government in Ukraine. Foreign policy and international relations. Causes and typology of international conflicts. Ukraine in international relations.
Recommended Books:
Politolohiya. Kn. persha: Polityka i suspil'stvo. Kn. druha: Derzhava i polityka // A. Kolodiy, L. Klymans'ka, Ya. Kosmyna, V. Kharchenko.– 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dop.–K.: El'ha, Nika – Tsentr, 2003.– 664 s.
2. Politolohiya: Navch. posibnyk / O.O. Volynets' ta in. – Seriya "Dystantsiyne navchannya". – # 28. – L'viv: Vyd-vo Natsional'noho universytetu "L'vivs'ka politekhnika", 2005. – 360 s.
3. Politolohiya: navchal'nyy posibnyk / M.A. Buchyn, O.O. Volynets', M.P. Het'manchuk ta in.; Za zah. red. M.P. Het'manchuka. – L'viv: NTSh, 2010. – 232 s.
4. Politolohiya: navchal'nyy posibnyk / M.P. Het'manchuk, V.K. Hryshchuk, Ya.B. Turchyn ta in.; Za zah. red. M.P. Het'manchuka. – K.: Znannya, 2011. – 415 s.
5. Slovnyk-dovidnyk politolohichnykh terminiv / [Buchyn M.A., Volynets' O.O., Voloshchuk S.M. ta in.]. / Za red. M. Het'manchuka, P. Tkachuka. – L'viv: Viys'kovyy instytut Natsional'noho universytetu «L'vivs'ka politekhnika», 2006. – 228 s.
Shlyakhtun P.P. Politolohiya (teoriya ta istoriya politychnoyi nauky): pidruchnyk P.P. Shlyakhtun. – K.: Lybid', 2002. – 576 s.
2. Politolohiya: Navch. posibnyk / O.O. Volynets' ta in. – Seriya "Dystantsiyne navchannya". – # 28. – L'viv: Vyd-vo Natsional'noho universytetu "L'vivs'ka politekhnika", 2005. – 360 s.
3. Politolohiya: navchal'nyy posibnyk / M.A. Buchyn, O.O. Volynets', M.P. Het'manchuk ta in.; Za zah. red. M.P. Het'manchuka. – L'viv: NTSh, 2010. – 232 s.
4. Politolohiya: navchal'nyy posibnyk / M.P. Het'manchuk, V.K. Hryshchuk, Ya.B. Turchyn ta in.; Za zah. red. M.P. Het'manchuka. – K.: Znannya, 2011. – 415 s.
5. Slovnyk-dovidnyk politolohichnykh terminiv / [Buchyn M.A., Volynets' O.O., Voloshchuk S.M. ta in.]. / Za red. M. Het'manchuka, P. Tkachuka. – L'viv: Viys'kovyy instytut Natsional'noho universytetu «L'vivs'ka politekhnika», 2006. – 228 s.
Shlyakhtun P.P. Politolohiya (teoriya ta istoriya politychnoyi nauky): pidruchnyk P.P. Shlyakhtun. – K.: Lybid', 2002. – 576 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
oral interviews, speeches at seminars (100%):
final control (differentiated test)
final control (differentiated test)