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Basics Programmins of Robotics

Major: Computer Sciences
Code of Subject: 6.122.04.E.169
Credits: 5.5
Department: Artificial Intelligence Systems
Lecturer: Hasko R.T.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
How to use ROS means of communication (topics, services, actions) to exchange information between functional modules
Visualization and creation of a user environment with a robot
Mapping the working environment and navigation using a mobile robot
How to implement the selection function with industrial works
Development of full-fledged programs for robotic applications.
The use of AI tools and methods in robotics problems
Integration of machine learning in the problem of image recognition.
Required prior and related subjects:
Web technology and web design
Organization of data warehouses and spaces
Operating Systems
Cloud technologies
Summary of the subject:
In the Basics of Robotics course, you will learn how to use various ROS tools to create a full-fledged robotic program. You will work with your own standalone Ubuntu-Linux installations, as well as with industrial and mobile robots based on the Gazebo physical simulation engine. You will learn to program and customize basic robotic tasks, such as selection and placement objects, and navigate obstacles, and integrate this knowledge to create a variety of working robotic applications, such as a mobile robotic platform, manipulator, or robot arm. The key is to explore the application of artificial intelligence technologies, including computer vision for image recognition, environmental orientation, and machine learning capabilities to optimize the management of robotic applications.
Recommended Books:
1. Curriculum.
2. Work program.
3. Hasko R.T. Fundamentals of robotics: Methodical work electronic educational and methodical complex for students majoring in 122 "Computer Science" [Electronic resource] http://vns.lp.edu.ua
3. Kay, Jackie. "Realtime Design Guidelines For ROS 2". design.ROS2.org. ROS2. Retrieved 22 November 2018.
5. ROS
6. ROS Industrial
7. Training course "Hello real ROS (with ROS2)"
Assessment methods and criteria:
1. Execution of laboratory works and their protection.
2. Creation of robotics project.
3. Exam.