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Social work

8.231.01 Social work
Qualification awarded : Master in social work
Entry year: 2017
Program duration: 1,5 years
Number of credits: 90 ECТS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: Second (Master) level, 8-th level of NQF, EHEA second Cycle
Field(s) of study: Social work
Specific admission requirements: None, enrollment is made under general conditions of entry.
Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:
Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation requirements: The full implementation of curriculum and defending Master's qualification thesis
Characteristics of the educational program:
Educational and professional program is based on the known ideas and results of contemporary research in social work, social security, social welfare, social policy, clinical social work, social management and focuses on current specialization, within possible further professional and scientific career: social worker, social services manager, manager of social projects, scientist, teacher. The educational program is focused on forming an integral healthy individual who is professional in social work, ready for professional activity at all levels of practice, for implementation of innovations and creative solving various social problems to meet customer needs, promote their development through the development of social services and policy changes to improve welfare. For specialization "Social Technologies", emphasis is being made on innovative practice in complex solving urgent problems of the population, primarily the most vulnerable individuals, families, groups, communities.
Gained competence:
- the ability to initiate and manage processes of planned changes in the meso and micro social systems;
- the ability to use an integrated approach to social welfare system;
- the ability to monitor and assess the status of objects of social services and the environment in which they live;
- ability to define goals and methods of intervention based on the problems, needs, specific features and resources of clients;
- ability to conduct social work expertise;
- ability to conduct scientific research based on factual / empirical data;
- ability of being empathetic;
- the ability to apply theoretical and practical methods of analysis and assessment of social service facilities and social security of the population;
- the ability to pick up the forms, methods of diagnosing the specific case based on individual characteristics;
- ability to plan and implement activities to provide social services;
- ability to develop, adapt and implement innovative technologies of social work;
- ability to conduct supervision;
- ability to involve the necessary specialists - experts in related spheres depending on the characteristics of the particular case;
- ability to conduct eco-system evaluation, in working with individuals, groups, families and communities;
- the ability to problem determination of a client (individual, family, group, organization, community) to meet the needs and available resources and strengths of the client;
- ability to conduct motivational client counseling;
- apply legal and regulatory framework to protect the rights and freedoms of various social groups;
- the ability to develop and implement rehabilitation programs of social work;
- ability to evaluate psychological characteristics of clients, to use methods of psycho-diagnostics work with different social groups;
• ability to identify social and psychological aspects of clients;
- the ability to determine the level of social and medical care to different clients;
- the ability to use various methods of health prevention and preservation;
- the ability to identify and overcome barriers to the health preservation for different groups of clients.
Mode of study: full
Academic mobility: None, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with ECTS procedures
Work placement(s): The program provides 12 ECTS credits of practice, including 3 credits of pedagogic training, 9 credits of field training according to the topic of master qualification work
Programme director: Program guarantor- Klos Liliya Yevhenivna, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor (Docent) in the Department of Sociology and Social Work. Tel .: (032) 258-27-10, Website: http://www.lp.edu.ua/node/
Occupational profiles of graduates: Governance Professional profile - adviser in the office of government, the executive committee (assistant-consultant of a deputy of Ukraine, adviser in the institutions of government). Professional profile - specialist of civil service (specialist, 1st category specialist, 2nd category specialist - in the departments, the Department for Family and Youth, Centres for Social Services for Chilren and Youth, departments and divisions of criminal executive inspection of State Penitentiary Service). Social Service Adinistration Professional profile - specialist in social services (specialist of social care services, specialist in the organization of residential institutions of social care, specialist in employment and household arrangement for disabled, specialist in the reception of citizens) Activities in the field of justice Professional profile - head office (Head of the socio-psychologicalservices of correctional (educational) colony) Professional profile - inspector (inspector of department / group for social and psychological work with inmates, inspector of criminal executive inspection in regional and district offices, senior inspector on preparation for release, inspector of social and psychological work with inmates, Inspector on work with minors in prisons / correctional facilities, detention centers). Professional profile - educator in corrective and labor institution (senior teacher, senior teacher in orphanage, orphanage educator, methodist - in educational and correctional facilities) Health care and social assistance Professional profile - a specialist in social work, social worker in psychiatric hospitals and substance abuse hospitals, hospices, centers (offices) for prevention and control of HIV / AIDS. Professional profile - a specialist in social work in night shelter, re-socialization center for drug addicted youth (social assistance with providing accommodation). Professional Profile - social worker (in the home for the elderly and disabled, orphanage, night shelter, the center of the reintegration of homeless people). Professional profile - a specialist in social work (mixed type rehabilitation institutions for the disabled and their children, in centers for homeless people, in the centers for HIV-infected children and youth; social work specialist for working with families, children and youth in specialized units of Centres of Social Services for Families, Children and Youth) Charity work Professional profile - a manager of projects and programs in non-material production (a specialist in project and program in non-material production, an expert in social work, a project manager and project assistant in charities). Activities of NGOs Professional profile - manager in the social sphere (public events organizer) Activities of trade unions Professional profile - organizer of social services; in trade union organizations in enterprises
Access to further studies: PhD programs in specialties "Social work" and "Social Security" in the field "Social work", as well as PhD programs in "Social and behavioral science" (psychology, sociology, political science programs).
Other program features: Scientific and methodical cooperation with leading home (Kyiv National Pedagogical University named after M. Dragomanov, National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Academy of Labour and Social Relations of Trade Unions of Ukraine (Kyiv) and foreign research institutions and universities (University of Manitoba (Canada), Erfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Wurzburg, Curtin University (Australia). This creates the possibility of applying progressive teaching experience in practice, mutual visits of students studying abroad, according to signed agreements on cooperation
Institute: Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences