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Empirical Data in Social Work

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.M.14
Credits: 5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: phd. Klos. L.E. assistant Kohut V.I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
- Know the place, role, scope of application of quantitative methods of sociology in social work; methodology, methods and techniques of quantitative methods of social research; how to analyze data obtained through quantitative methods of sociological research and methods of presentation; interface and technology in an environment application package "OCA".
- Be able to translate theoretical concepts and constructs of empirical indicators; design scales to measure social performance; calculate and design wool the sample; prepare the data collected quantitative methods for statistical processing; make a statistical analysis of the collected information using application package "OCA"; present the results of quantitative research.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Introduction to probability theory and social statistics,
• Methods and techniques of social research,
• Special and Industrial Sociological Theory
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical and methodological principles of quantitative methods of sociological research, conceptualization and operationalization procedures. Ternary structure quantitative analysis: theory - collection methods - methods of information processing and analysis, measurement in sociology, sampling methods in sociological research, design issues and the main types of scales, technological and procedural aspects of collecting quantitative data survey methods, the method of content analysis of documents preparing data for analysis, analysis of data and presentation of research results, analysis of data using application package "OSA".
Recommended Books:
1. Паніна Н.В. Технологія соціологічного дослідження. – К.: Наукова думка, 1995. –145 с.
2. Рабочая книга социолога. / Редкол. Г.В. Осипов и др. – М.: Наука, 1983. – 478 с.
3. Паніотто В.І., Максименко В.С., Харченко Н.М. Статистичний аналіз соціологічних даних. – К.: Вид. дім «КМ Академія», 2004. – 270 с.
4. Ядов В.А. Стратегия социологического исследования: описание, обьяснение, понимание социальной реальности. – М.: Добросвет, 2001 – 596 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (40%) - work on seminars (workshops
Differentiated test), testing (60%).