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Evaluation of Social Work Practice

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.1
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Oksana Petrivna Hileta, senior lecturer
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know: know: the concept of social change; components of social change; context of social change; resources for social change; types of social change; sequence of planning social change; algorithm of change: training, needs assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring.
• be able to: identify the type of necessary changes; assess the need for change and the willingness of the community / society to change; apply needs assessment; develop an implementation plan of changes; develop performance indicators; develop a monitoring system.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Меthods of social data collection;
• Planning and innovations in social development
• Quantitative and qualitative analysis in social work
Summary of the subject:
The concept of social change. Natural, quantitative and qualitative change. Project and monitoring approaches. Socio-political and cultural prerequisites for the implementation of social changes. Social policy reform as a means of social and political conditions. Needs assessment. Analysis of the resources for change. Development of a logic model of policy change. Stages of implementation of social changes. Monitoring results. Quantitative and qualitative methods of monitoring. Ethical issues.
Recommended Books:
• Vais K. Otsiniuvannia: Metody doslidzhennia prohram ta polityky. – K.: Osnovy. – 2000 r.
• Imas L., Rist R. K. Shliakh do rezultativ. Planuvannia ta provedennia efektyvnykh otsiniuvan rozvytku / Linda Dzh. Morra Imas, R. K. Rist - Kyiv. – 2015. – 580 s. http://www.aidsalliance.org.ua/ru/metida/2015/Road%20to%20Results%20UA.pdf)
• Rukovodstvo po monytorynhu y otsenke proektov, prohramm, polytyk. Byshkek, 2002 h. – 56 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• individual practical assignments; writing of the draft of policy evaluation (40%)
• final control (form of control, exam), written-oral form (60%)