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Social Administration Practice

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.E.21
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: docent Kozak Marta Yaroslavivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the basic theoretical concepts and practical aspects of social administration; features of public and private social-directed organizations;
• Ability to analyze independently and explain the actual processes in the social sphere and social welfare, identify the main problems; apply social and economic principles of administration;
• Ability to organize work and effective interaction of structural subdivisions; apply the methods and forms of personnel policy to stimulate staff, organize and coordinate social work with different categories of citizens; take actions for the prevention of occupational burnout of staff; ability to organize paperwork in social service;
• Knowledge of main areas of work of social services and perspectives of the modern technologies of social work, especially the work of state bodies and local authorities
Required prior and related subjects:
Maintainance of professional documents
• Management aspects of social work
• Management aspects of supervision
Summary of the subject:
Analysis of the organization as a system. Elements of the strategic development of the organization. Creation of the "ideal" structure of the organization. HR policy in the organization. Plan of formation of human resources. Design of recruitment system; The concept of position design. Systems of motivation and remuneration. Methodology of creation of the NGO. Human resource management; Financial Management; Professional Support (supervision) in social work. Increasing the potential of human resources. The employees evaluation system. Termination of employment contract. Monitoring and evaluation of the organization activity. Technology and organization of paperwork management in social institutions. The design of data collection and reporting system
Recommended Books:
. Kuz’min O.YE. Mel’nyk O.H. Teoretychni ta praktychni zasady menedzhmentu: navchal’nyy posibnyk - Lviv: Natsional’nyy universytet «Lvivska politekhnika» (Informatsiyno-vydavnychyy tsentr «INTELEKT+» IPDO), «Intelekt-Zakhid», 2009. – 384 s.
2. Upravlins’ki aspekty sotsial?noyi roboty. Kurs lektsiy / pid red. M.F. Holovatoho.- K.: MAUP, 2004. – 368 s.
3. Upravlinnya personalom firmy: Navchal’nyy posibnyk./Pid red.V.I. Kramarenko, B.I. Kholoda. – K.: TSUL, 2003. – 272 s.
4. . Smirnova I. S. Analizuvannya osnovnykh vidminnostey mizh katehoriyamy “menedzhment” ta “administruvannya” na pidpryyemstvi / I. S. Smirnova // Visnyk Natsional’noho unive"Lvivs’ka politekhnika". – 2012. – № 727 : Menedzhment ta pidpryyemnytstvo v Ukrayini: etapy stanovlennya i problemy rozvytku. – S. 150–155
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Individual tasks(40%)
• Final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)