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Technologies of Social Work with Families

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.E.25
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: docent Kozak Marta Yaroslavivna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the theoretical and methodological principles of development of social technologies; understanding of the essence of technology as a typical algorithm for activity; knowledge of meaning of the multidisciplinary teams; understanding the features of technologies of social work with different categories of families;
• Ability to independently analyze and identify the main problems and needs of the family; determine the need for specific social technologies; analyze and summarize the results to develop an algorithm of actions
• Ability to apply their knowledge to carry out social work with families; knowledge of method of social diagnosis and expertise;
• Familiarization with the social services areas of work and perspectives of the implementation of modern technologies of social work with families
Required prior and related subjects:
• Social work with families
• Methods of Social Work
• Social consulting
• Methods of gathering sociological information. Part 2
Summary of the subject:
The theoretical basis of technology in social work. Classification of social technologies. Typical social work technology as algorithm of activity. Applied technologies: social welfare system as the technology of social work; technologies of identification of families that find themselves in difficult circumstances, technologies of social work with social risk families, antisocial families, families with signs of violence against family members, with foster families. The interaction of social support subjects
Recommended Books:
Tekhnolohiya roboty z riznymy katehoriyamy kliyentiv tsentriv sotsial’nykh sluzhb dlya simyi ditey ta molodi ( metodychnyy posibnyk) / S.V. Tolstoukhova, O.O. Yaremenko, O.V. Vakulenko ta in. – K.:DTSSSM, Derzhavnyy in-t problem simyi ta molodi, 2003. – 88 s.
2. Sotsial’na robota: tekhnolohichnyy aspekt: Navchal’nyy posibnyk / Za red.prof. A.Y. Kapskoyi – K.: Tsentr navchalnoyi literatury, 2004. -352s.
3. Teoriyi i metody sotsial’noyi roboty: Pidruchnyk dlya studentiv vyshchykh navchal’nykh zakladiv / za red.T.V.Semyhinoyi, I.I. Myhovycha. – K.: Akademvydav, 2005. – 328s
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Individual tasks(40%)
• Final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)