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Methodology and Methods of Research in Social Work

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.2
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Oksana Petrivna Hileta
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• know: reasons of using qualitative or quantitative research methods; ways of collecting and analyzing data obtained using quantitative and qualitative methods of social research; basic parameters of reliability and validity of quantitative and qualitative data;
• able: to translate theoretical concepts and constructs of empirical indicators; design scales to measure social performance; develop tools for basic methods of collecting qualitative social data; calculate the required sample, maximum sampling error; correctly interpret quantitative and qualitative social data; control the quality of information in the social studies.
Required prior and related subjects:

• Methodology and methods of social research
• Quantitative and qualitative analysis in social work
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical and methodological principles of quantitative methods of sociological research. Measurement in social research. Procedures of conceptualization and operationalization. Methodological, methodical and procedural principles of survey methods in the study. The method of questioning. The method of interview. The method of content analysis of documents. The method of observation. The method of the experiment. Qualitative methods. The logic of qualitative research. Qualitative interviews. Individual in-depth interviews. Focus group interviews. Working with text interview. Codes and coding. Types of data analysis. Ethical research issues. Presentation of research results.
Recommended Books:
• Panina N.V. Tekhnolohiia sotsiolohichnoho doslidzhennia. – K.: Nauk.dumka, 1995. –145 s.
• Yadov V.A. Sotsyologicheskoye issledovanye: metodologyia, programma, metody. – M.: Nauka, 1987 – 245 s.
• Semenova V. V. Vvedenye v gumanystycheskuiu sotsyologyiu. - M., 1998.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• individual practical assignments; the task of writing a program of empirical research (40%)
• final control (form of control, exam), written-oral form (60%)