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Methodology and Methods of Scientific Research

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.8
Credits: 3
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Shapovalova Tetiana Viktorivna, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
1. To determine the methodology applied scientific research.
2. Critically evaluate the results of research and different sources of knowledge about the practice of social work, draw conclusions and recommendations for their implementation.
3. Apply foreign sources during the fulfillment of research and applied activities, speak a foreign language, both orally and in writing.
4. Collect and quantitative and qualitative analysis of empirical data.
5. Distinguish between genuine scientific research and the results of pseudoscientific research.
6. To use the acquired knowledge in scientific research.
7. Navigate to the scientific, pseudo-scientific and popular literature.
8. Use critical thinking in their professional field.
9. Support one's scientific knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects:
1. Methodology and methods of research in social work
2. Examination of practical social work
3. Actual and empirical evidence in social work.
4.Stratehichni aspects of social policy
Summary of the subject:
Introduction to the methodology and techniques of scientific doslidzhennya.Ponyattya methodology, technique, method of scientific research. Types of research methods in social research methods roboti.Teoretychni. Empirical methods of scientific research and the formulation doslidzhennya.Poshuk temy.Rozrobka and experimental verification of the model, the main ideas of conceptual provisions that form the basis of research in the social roboti.Obrobka research data and presentation of results in research.
Recommended Books:
1.But U., Kolomb G., Uilyams Dzh. issledovanie: Shestnadtsat urokov dlya nachinayuschih avtorov. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2004.-360 s.
2.Novikov A., Novikov D. Metodologiya.- M.: SINTEG, 2007.
3.Metodichni vkazivki do vivchennya kursiv magisterskoyi programi: «Metodologiya i metodika naukovogo doslidzhennya», «Zv’yazki z gromadskistyu u sotsialniy sferi», «Metodika vikladannya sotsialnoyi roboti», dlya studentiv bazovogo napryamu 0402 «sotsiologiya» spetsialnosti 8.040202 «Sotsialna robota». Vipusk 1/Ukl. N. M. Gayduk, L. D. Klimanska, L. E. Klos. – Lviv: Vidavnitstvo NatsIonalnogo universitetu “Lvivska politehnIka”, 2007. – 48 s.
4.Ruzavin G. I. Metodologiya nauchnogo issledovaniya. – M., 1999.
5.Sheyko V. M., Kushnarenko N. M. Organizatsiya ta metodika naukovo-doslidnitskoyi diyalnosti. – K., 2002.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (100% test): written reports of practical work, oral examination, individual research work.