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Social Counseling

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.4
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Senior Lecturer Herasym Halyna
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
What you will learn: methodological foundations of the discipline, the use of theoretical foundations and technological accept of consulting in social work; usage of patterns on meso and micro levels features of consultation clients and social groups according to the stated problems.
What you will be able to do after course: analyzing and evaluating the needs and problems of clients of social services, using of 7-stepping model of consultation (summarizing theoretical and empirical information in the analysis of the consultation process, use of consulting as a special method of social work and as part of a larger process combined with other methods.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theory and methods of social work;
• Interpersonal communication.
Summary of the subject:
The theoretical basis and principles of consultations in social work. The value of the individuality in the process of consultation. The role of the social worker in the consultation. Ethics. The process of social counseling, preparing and consultation. Stages of counseling. The procedures and technology’s on different stages of consultation. Types of clients and their orientation. Differences between individual work with the client, family counseling and group work. Social counseling persons of different sexes. Keeping records management different cases. Creating a file of client.
Recommended Books:
Айві Ален. Цілеспрямоване інтерв’ювання і консультування: сприяння розвитку клієнта. Пер. з англ.-Навчальний посібник –К.: Сфера , 1998.- 342с.
2. Римас Кочюнас Основы психологического консультирования М.: Академический проект, 1999. — 240 с.
3. Бурлачук Л. Ф., Грабская И. А., Кочарян А. С. Основы психотерапии. — К., 1999.
4. Бадхен.А.А , Роднина А.М. майстерство психологического консультирования .__ СПб.: Речь, 2006-240с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
oral examination, part discussion, role-playing exercises, presentation of specific cases (40%)
• final control ( exam), written-oral form (60%)