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Supervision in Social Work

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.3
Credits: 4
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: assistant Stavkova S.G.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course, students will:
• Develop an awareness and understanding of issues concerning supervision in the context of a human service organization exploring both/clinical and administrative components
• Be engaged in discussion and critical assessment of different theoretical perspectives concerning supervision in the human services
• Work cooperatively with class members and instructor to brainstorm various approaches to practical dilemmas inherent in the responsibility of supervision
Required prior and related subjects:
• Interpersonal communication skills
• Theories and methods of social work
• Methods of social work
Summary of the subject:
Focus on the theory, social policy, and social work practice implications of different social problems area. Role and goals of supervision. Models and functions of supervision. Supervision as staff development method. Administrative and supportive component of supervision.
Recommended Books:
1. Браун А., Боурн А. Супервізор у соціальній роботі: супервізія догляду в громаді, денних та стаціонарних установах / А.Браун, А Боурн: Пер. з англ. Т.Семигіної. – К.: Унів. вид-во «Пульсари», 2003. - 240 с.
2. ARLUKE, A. (1980) Roundsmanship: Inherent control on a medical teaching ward, Social Science and Medicine.
3. BARAK, M., PEARLMAN-AVNION, S. & GLANZ, J. (1997) Using developmentalsupervision to improve science and technologyinstruction in Israel, Journal of Curriculum and Supervision.
4. BOUD, D., COHEN, R. & WALKER, D. (1993) Using Experience forLearning (Buckingham, SRHE & Open University Press).
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Tests. Practical assignments and individual assignments - (40%).
• Final credit - 60%