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Technologies of Health Preservation in the Social Sphere

Major: Social work
Code of Subject: 7.231.01.O.5
Credits: 5
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Klos Liliya
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Know: techniques, methods, research methodologies health of the individual and the public and key indicators that characterize it; methods of studying the needs of the people in maintaining health network institutions and places of practice social worker where the technology implemented preserve health - both abroad and in Ukraine, modern technology health preservation, used in the social sector (education, public health, leisure, social work);
• be able to: identify and enhance internal and external resources to preserve their own health and the health of customers, assist customers in choosing the benefit of health and healthy lifestyle, design technology maintaining health - general, special and complex
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites and co-requisites:
• Medical and social foundations of health;
• Human behavior in the social environment
• Theory and practice of social inclusion
Summary of the subject:
Health care and health promotion activity - the leading idea of civil society. Research health of the individual, groups and communities to determine their needs in maintaining health, techniques, methods, techniques. Modern trends in science and practice of protection and preservation of human health in the world and in Ukraine. Technology preservation of health in social work as innovation. Design and implementation zdorov'yezberezhuvalnyh technologies in social practice, knowledge, abilities, skills, competence, values and personal qualities of a social worker. The specifics of the use of technology in maintaining health social work with persons with mental health problems, people with advanced health disorders (Alzheimer's disease, dementia synilna), HIV-positive and AIDS patients, cancer patients hospices, children with hyperactive disorder and attention deficit, autism spectrum disorders)
Recommended Books:
1. Klos L.YE. Tekhnolohiyi zberezhennya zdorov?ya u sotsial?niy sferi : navch.posibnyk / L.YE. Klos. – L?viv : Vyd-vo L?viv. politekhniky, 2015. – 248 s.
2. Kotsan I.YA. Psykholohiya zdorov?ya lyudyny / I.YA. Kotsan, H.V. Lozhkin, M.I. Mushkevych. – [Za red. I. YA. Kotsana] – Luts?k: RVV ?Vezha Volyn. nats. un-tu im. Lesi Ukrayinky, 2011.– 430 s.
3. Gehlert S. Handbook of Health Social Work / Sarah Gehlert, Teri Browne. – Second edition. – New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken. 2012. – 722 р.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• oral interviews, participate in discussions, presentation and protection training projects (40%)
• • final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%)