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Fundamentals of Customs Brokerage Activity

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 7.073.05.E.125
Credits: 4
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Zaverbnyj Andrij Stepanovytch, PhD
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course the student should:
- know the essence of the basic concepts and categories of customs brokerage activity;
- know the procedure of goods and vehicles movement across the border of the country, levying and collecting fees, charges;
- assess the economic efficiency of the implementation of customs brokerage activity;
- provide management decisions in customs customs brokerage activity;
- know the main stages of the customs brokerage activity;
- be able to carry out customs brokerage activity;
- apply the practical skills of customs brokerage activity.
Required prior and related subjects:
- prerequisites: Foreign economic activity of enterprise
- co-requisites: -.
Summary of the subject:
The object and purpose of discipline "Fundamentals of customs brokerage activity". Normatively legal adjusting of custom registration. Substantive provisions of realization of custom registration and declaration of commodities. Entrepreneurial activity is from the grant of custom services. Concept and essence of broker activity. Activity and plenary powers of custom brokers. Legal status of custom brokers. Features of registration and stopping of activity of custom brokers. Accreditation of enterprises is on a custom. Control after activity of custom brokers.
Recommended Books:
1. Kuzmin О.Ye. Custom business: educational practical manual-work / О.Ye.Kuzmin, О.G.Меl`nyk, О.Yu.Grigorjev, А.О.Bоsаk, К.О. Dоrоshkеvych, А.В.Тоdоshchuk, М.G.Кnysh, О.О.Маslаk. — Kyjiv: Каrаvеlа, 2014. — 232 p.
2. Bоsаk А.О., Grigorjev О.Yu., Skybіns`kij О.S., Тоdоshchuk А.V. Custom maintenance of transport transportations: tutorial. – Lviv: «Novyj svit-2000», 2009. – 476 р.
3. Grebelnyk О.P. Custom business: textbook / О.P. Grebelnyk; К.: CUL. - 2015. 472 p.
4. Customs clearance of goods and vehicles: tutorial. –К.: Коndоr, 2007. – 330 р.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (40%): test, individual work, verbal questioning;
- final control (60%): testing (40%), verbal answer (20%).

Fundamentals of Customs Brokerage Activity (курсовий проект)

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 7.073.05.E.127
Credits: 3
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Zaverbnyj Andrij Stepanovytch, PhD
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course the student should:
- know the essence of the basic concepts and categories of customs brokerage activity;
- know the procedure of goods and vehicles movement across the border of the country, levying and collecting fees, charges;
- assess the economic efficiency of the implementation of customs brokerage activity;
- provide management decisions in customs customs brokerage activity;
- know the main stages of the customs brokerage activity;
- be able to carry out customs brokerage activity;
- apply the practical skills of customs brokerage activity.
Required prior and related subjects:
- prerequisites: Foreign economic activity of enterprise
- co-requisites: -.
Summary of the subject:
The object and purpose of discipline "Fundamentals of customs brokerage activity". Normatively legal adjusting of custom registration. Substantive provisions of realization of custom registration and declaration of commodities. Entrepreneurial activity is from the grant of custom services. Concept and essence of broker activity. Activity and plenary powers of custom brokers. Legal status of custom brokers. Features of registration and stopping of activity of custom brokers. Accreditation of enterprises is on a custom. Control after activity of custom brokers.
Recommended Books:
1. Kuzmin О.Ye. Custom business: educational practical manual-work / О.Ye.Kuzmin, О.G.Меl`nyk, О.Yu.Grigorjev, А.О.Bоsаk, К.О. Dоrоshkеvych, А.В.Тоdоshchuk, М.G.Кnysh, О.О.Маslаk. — Kyjiv: Каrаvеlа, 2014. — 232 p.
2. Bоsаk А.О., Grigorjev О.Yu., Skybіns`kij О.S., Тоdоshchuk А.V. Custom maintenance of transport transportations: tutorial. – Lviv: «Novyj svit-2000», 2009. – 476 р.
3. Grebelnyk О.P. Custom business: textbook / О.P. Grebelnyk; К.: CUL. - 2015. 472 p.
4. Customs clearance of goods and vehicles: tutorial. –К.: Коndоr, 2007. – 330 р.
Assessment methods and criteria:
- current control (40%): test, individual work, verbal questioning;
- final control (60%): testing (40%), verbal answer (20%).