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City Logistics

Major: Management
Code of Subject: 7.073.07.E.147
Credits: 4
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Natalia O. Marhita, PhD, senior lecturer
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Student should:
to know: theoretical principles and scientific basis of city logistics; city logistics elements and scientific approaches to their definition; integrated logistics flow management tools in urban areas; solutions for transport and other logistical problems in cities; evaluation methods of cities and regions logistics attractiveness; decision making quantitative methods of spatial logistics solutions; evaluating methods of logistics projects effectiveness in the city and the region.
be able to: determine the nature of logistic processes in the city; establish appropriate goals and objectives of city logistics; perform complex analysis of city logistics; apply mathematical tools for city logistics problem identification; develop integrated planning of city logistics flows organization and management; take effective logistics-oriented solutions for people and goods transportation in the city; provide a comprehensive evaluating of city logistics projects effectiveness.
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: Logistics, Transport Logistics, Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models in Management;
Co-requisites: Transport Infrastructure and Processes, Information Systems and Technologies in Logistics
Summary of the subject:
Theoretical aspects of cities development and functioning. The essence and importance of city logistics. Organization and management of city logistics flows. Logistics system and technology of urban passenger transport. Logistic system of urban freight transportation. Simulation of urban transport systems. Evaluation of cities and regions logistics attractiveness. Effectiveness evaluating of urban logistics projects.
Recommended Books:
1. Крикавский Є.В. Логістика. Основи теорії: Підручник– 2-е вид. – Львів: НУ„ЛП» (Інформаційно-видавничий центр „ІНТЕЛЕКТ+»ІПП), „Інтелект-Захід», 2006. – 456с.
2. Kauf S., Tluczak A. Logistyka miasta i regionu: metody ilosciowe w decyzjach przestrzennych / S. Kauf, A. Tluczak, - Warszawa: Difin SA, 2014. – 227s.
3. Tundys B. Logistyka miejska. Teoria i praktyka. Wydanie 2 / B.Tundys, - Warszawa: Difin SA, 2013. – 273s.
4. Карий О. І. Комплексний розвиток міст: теорія та методологія стратегічного планування: монографія/ О. І. Карий; МОНМС України, Нац. Ун-т «Львів. Політехніка». – Л., 2011.-308 с.
5. Неруш Ю.М. Логистика: учеб. – 4-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2006. – 520 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (30%): case study, tasks solution, oral questioning;
Final assessment (70% differentiated test): control work.