Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 6.073.00.O.25
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Organizational Management
Лектор: Protsak Kateryna
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
o knowledge of basic sciences, the historical development, economics, management and law, basic philosophical categories and general scientific methods;
o the knowledge of the tools and strategies, that are relevant to the diagnosis and analysis of industrial and economic development, and financial - economic activity of enterprises and organizations at a level, that will allow to find a job according to the specialty, ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice.
• ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of strategic, operational, innovative, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipative and creative management of organizations and their subdivisions;
• To use acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve management problems of enterprises and organizations using known methods.
• To think systematically and to use creativity to form innovative ideas in the enterprises and organizations management.
• To search for information from various sources to meet the challenges of effective management of undertakings in a market economy.
• Ability to use skills to apply professional knowledge, skills and competences in management for research of economic phenomena and processes at macro- and micro- levels;
• Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the environment, analyze market conditions of innovative products, to make optimal management decisions in the field of innovation, to provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of administration.
• Ability to use different methods, modern information and communication technologies for every day communication on professional and social scale;
• Ability to be critical and self-critical for understanding the factors, that have a positive or negative impact on communication process, and the ability to identify and consider these factors in specific communication situations.
• Ability to be adaptive to the new unpredictable situations and to make the appropriate decisions;
• Ability to be responsible for the work, to make decisions and to achieve the goal of compliance with professional ethics;
• Ability to critically assess the obtained performance results and reasonably defend made decisions.
o the knowledge of the tools and strategies, that are relevant to the diagnosis and analysis of industrial and economic development, and financial - economic activity of enterprises and organizations at a level, that will allow to find a job according to the specialty, ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice.
• ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of strategic, operational, innovative, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipative and creative management of organizations and their subdivisions;
• To use acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve management problems of enterprises and organizations using known methods.
• To think systematically and to use creativity to form innovative ideas in the enterprises and organizations management.
• To search for information from various sources to meet the challenges of effective management of undertakings in a market economy.
• Ability to use skills to apply professional knowledge, skills and competences in management for research of economic phenomena and processes at macro- and micro- levels;
• Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the environment, analyze market conditions of innovative products, to make optimal management decisions in the field of innovation, to provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of administration.
• Ability to use different methods, modern information and communication technologies for every day communication on professional and social scale;
• Ability to be critical and self-critical for understanding the factors, that have a positive or negative impact on communication process, and the ability to identify and consider these factors in specific communication situations.
• Ability to be adaptive to the new unpredictable situations and to make the appropriate decisions;
• Ability to be responsible for the work, to make decisions and to achieve the goal of compliance with professional ethics;
• Ability to critically assess the obtained performance results and reasonably defend made decisions.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• prerequisites: Probability theory and mathematical statistics
• corequisite: Economic and Mathematical Methods and Models; Quantitative Methods in Management
• corequisite: Economic and Mathematical Methods and Models; Quantitative Methods in Management
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Methodological principles of statistics. Statistical observation. Reduction and material statistical observation. Generalizing statistics. Analysis division series. Analysis of concentration, differentiation and similarity sections. Statistical methods for measuring relationships. Statistical study series. Index method Selective method. Submission of statistical data: tables, charts, maps.
Рекомендована література:
1. Статистика: практикум: [навч. посібн.] / [С.О.Матковський, Л.І.Гальків, О.С.Гринькевич, О.З.Сорочак та ін.]. – Львів: Видавництво „Новий Світ-2000”, 2011. – 140 с.
2. Статистика: [Навчальний посібник, 2-ге вид.] / С.О.Матковський, Л.І.Гальків, О.С.Гринькевич, О.З.Сорочак. – Львів: Видавництво „Новий Світ-2000”, 2011. – 429 с.
3. Статистика підприємств: [навчальний посібник] / [С.О.Матковський, О.С.Гринькевич, О.З.Сорочак, Л.І.Гальків та ін.]. – Київ: Алерта, 2013. – 560 с.
4. Статистика: Підруч. / Герасименко С.С., Єріна А.М., Пальян З.О. – К.: КНЕУ, 2000. –468 с.
2. Статистика: [Навчальний посібник, 2-ге вид.] / С.О.Матковський, Л.І.Гальків, О.С.Гринькевич, О.З.Сорочак. – Львів: Видавництво „Новий Світ-2000”, 2011. – 429 с.
3. Статистика підприємств: [навчальний посібник] / [С.О.Матковський, О.С.Гринькевич, О.З.Сорочак, Л.І.Гальків та ін.]. – Київ: Алерта, 2013. – 560 с.
4. Статистика: Підруч. / Герасименко С.С., Єріна А.М., Пальян З.О. – К.: КНЕУ, 2000. –468 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• written reports of laboratory works, oral quiz (30%)
• final examination: written form (70%)
• final examination: written form (70%)