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Innovative Activities Controlling

Спеціальність: Management
Код дисципліни: 6.073.02.E.122
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Organizational Management
Лектор: Andriy Dzyubina
Семестр: 6 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
• to use a balance scorecard, modern methods and technologies of controlling of the innovation activity of enterprise (organization, institution);
• ability to demonstrate deep knowledge of the theoretical basis of innovation processes, their organization, resource, legal and administrative support;
• to integrate and use acquired theoretical knowledge on practice to solve management problems in the field of controlling of the innovation activity.

Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Operational Management
Fundamentals of invention
Design of Innovative Business Processes

Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Basic concepts of innovative activity controlling. The cost of the enterprise as the main object of innovative activity controlling. Methodical toolkit of innovative activity operative controlling. The effectiveness of innovative activity controlling. The organizational and legal framework for innovative activity controlling.
Рекомендована література:
1. Balabanova L.V. Marketing Controlling: Theory and Methodology: Monograph / L.V. Balabanova, O.O. Gasilo - Donetsk: DonDUET, 2011. - 212 p.
2. Mykhailychenko N.M. Problems of determining the range of functions of control of innovations [Electronic resource] / N.M. Mykhailychenko - Marketing and Management of Innovations, 2012, No. 1. - P. 164-168. Access mode: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/portal/Soc_Gum/Mimi/2012_1/3_4.pdf
3. Mikhailishin N.P. Controlling Innovation as a Means to Implement Innovative Potential of the Enterprise / N.P. Mikhailishin, NG Melnik // Innovative economy. - 2010. - №1. - P. 101-105.
4. Problems of management of innovative development of entrepreneurship in a transitive economy: a monograph / S.I. Ilyashenko, O.V. Prokopenko, L.G.Melnik, for comrades. Ed. SM Illyashenko. - Sumy: VTD "University Book", 2005 - 582 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• written reports of laboratory works, oral quiz (30%)
• final examination: written - oral form (70%)