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Special Historical Subjects

Major: Museum and monument studies
Code of Subject: 6.027.00.O.43
Credits: 5
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: PhD Yaroslav Lyseyko
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
a system of knowledge about certain aspects of human society in the past and practical skills for working with historical source. Knowledge of auxiliary historical discipline as a combination of research methods and techniques in order to enhance cognitive abilities historians.
- Mastering basic theoretical principles of historical subjects.
- Formation of certain practical skills of working with historical sources and its components that are the subject of the study of historical subjects.
- Mastering practical knowledge about specific aspects of the daily life of society of the past, such as perception and calculation time, distance and space, measure the value of goods and services and so on.
- The study of certain types of historical sources and theoretical and methodological foundations of internal and external criticism.
Required prior and related subjects:
basic knowledge of European history and the history of Ukraine
Summary of the subject:
Introduction of the essence, classification, object and purpose of the special historical disciplines; the history and evolution of special historical disciplines, learning the basics of Latin and Cyrillic Paleography, Sigillography, Heraldry, Genealogy, epigraphy, historical chronology and metrology, the study of certain types of historical sources and theoretical and methodological foundations of internal and external criticism.
Recommended Books:
1. Гавриленко В.О. Українська сфрагістика. – К.: Наукова думка, 1977. – 168 с.
2. Ісаєвич Я.Д. Деякі питання української метрології XVI – XVIII ст. // Науково-інформаційний бюлетень архівного управління УРСР. – 1961. – № 2. – С. 3-13.
3. Заяць А.Є. Спеціальні історичні дисципліни. Зошит 1. Археографія: навчальний посібник. – Львів, 2010. – 120 с.
4. Нагороди України. Історія, факти, документи / Д.Табачник, І.Безгін, В.Бузало та ін. – К.: Українознавство, 1996. – Т.1. – 288 с.; Т.2 – 344 с.; Т.3 – 424 с.
5. Перехрест О.Г. Історична хронологія. – Черкаси: Відлуння, 1999. – 144 с.
6. Сидоренко О.Ф. Історична метрологія лівобережної України XVIII ст. – К.: Наукова думка, 1975. – 160 с.
7. Шуст Р.М. Нумізматика: історія грошового обігу та монетної справи в Україні: Навч. Посібник. – К.: Знання, 2007. – 371 с.

Assessment methods and criteria:
rating assessment on a 100-point system: current tests - 40 points (quiz, presentation, oral and written answers), final test - 60 points (written exam).