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Business Process Management

Major: Economics
Code of Subject: 7.051.05.E.118
Credits: 4
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Ph.D.,assoc.Vorobets S. Y.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes:
1) the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the economic mechanism of the enterprise, organizational support of its operation, techniques, methods and tools of management accounting, economic analysis, forecasting, planning, economic incentives, control;
2) the ability to collect and process data, evaluate the results obtained, make decisions and defend them with arguments;
3) the ability to perform the formulation and formalization of economic problems, to solve them using methods of economic and mathematical modeling and modern software.
Required prior and related subjects:
1.Economics of the enterprise 2
2. Economic analysis
3. Information systems and technologies at the enterprise
4. Management
Summary of the subject:
Introduction. Process approach to the organization of enterprise management 1.1 Process approach to enterprise management organizations 1.2 Levels of process management 1.3 Advantages of the process approach to enterprise management 1.4 Executive business processes and SUBPiAR 1.5 Executive business processes 5.1. Perspective of flow management 5.2. Data perspective 5.3. Perspective of resources 5.4. Perspective of operations Topic 2. Business process modeling 2.1 The historical aspect of the formation of a process approach to enterprise management. 2.2 The concept of business process. Types of business processes. 2.3. Methodology for describing the business model of the enterprise. The main stages of its implementation. 2.4. Features of the methodology of structural analysis and design. Stages of creating a system 2.5. SADT models as an integration of functional model and data model. IDEF0 notation modeling functional models. 2.6 Event-driven technology chains. Functional - event diagrams. Features of modeling notations - IDEF3, EPC BPMN The main structural elements in EMF - notations - event, function, organizational structural unit, information, materials and resources, logical connections between the elements of the technological chain. Topic 3.. Simulation modeling of economic processes in the system and features of its implementation in the Arena system 1. Basic concepts of the Arena system 2. Basic modules of the Arena system 3. Create module 4. Dispose module 5. Process module. Process module types 6. Features of modeling Branching processes. Features of its implementation using the Decide module 7. Attributes, queues, priorities 8. Merger, splitting and synchronization of transactions Topic 4. Executive business processes 1. The historical context of the emergence of the concept of executive business processes and SMS and AR 2. The concept of business process and a copy of the business process, data storage structure. 3. Levels (prospects) of formal definition of executive business process. 3.1 .. Control-flow perspective. 3.2. Data perspective 3.3. Resource perspective 3.4. Operational perspective Topic 5. Business process management systems and regulation administration (SMS and AR) 1. SMS and AR and their main task 2. Components of SMS and AR. 3. Work of users and components of SMS and AR 4. Features of the interface of the RunaWFE system. Topic 6. Standards and concepts used in SUBPiAR 1. Graphical notations BPMN and UML Activity Diagram 2. Basic elements of notation to represent the perspective of flow control - action nodes and route nodes. 3. The mechanism of replacement of task performers. Defining the roles of process executors. The mechanism of role initiation as a generalized concept of function and features of its implementation in RunaWFE 4. The concept of bots and bot stations and features of their implementation in the SMS and AR. Topic 7. RunaWFE system interface 1. The main components of the system. 2. Working with the system browser and features of its Web-interface. 3. Defining the users of the system and their powers. 4. Creating a new project and defining the business process and its main properties. Defining the business process scheme and its role. 5. Determining the form of properties of the business process and the owners of the powers to determine it. 6. Start-up technology for business process execution Practical (laboratory) classes 1. Development of a simulation model of the value chain at the enterprise for the production of bakery products 2. Study of the prospects of the control flow in the SMS and AR RUNA WFE 3. Study of resource prospects in SMS and RUNA WFE 4. Study of data perspectives in SMS and RUNA WFE 5. Study of prospects of operations in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 6. Work with MS Word-bot in SMS and RUNA WFE 7. Work with MS Excel-bot in SMS and RUNA WFE
Recommended Books:
1. Information systems and technologies at enterprises (laboratory workshop). Tutorial. Vorobets SY, Kozyk VV, Mishchyshyn OL - Lviv .: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2017.
2. Blagun IS, Kichor VP, Feshchur RV, Vorobets SY Mathematical methods in economics. Publishing house "Educational book - Bogdan", -Ternopil, 2011
3. VS Ponomarenko, SV Minukhin, SV Znahur. Theory and practice of business process modeling: a monograph. Kind. KhNEU, 2013. - 244 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
The actual number of points obtained by the student as a result of each type of control is translated into a 100-point score according to the criteria defined below.

Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes

Current control (practical work)

Protection of work №1 Development of a simulation model of the value chain at the enterprise for the production of bakery products 7 points
Defense of work №2 Study of prospects of a stream of management in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 5 points
Defense of work №3 Study of prospects of resources in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 5 points
Work protection №4. Study of data perspectives in SMS and RUNA WFE 6 points
Work protection №5 Laboratory work №4. Study of prospects of operations in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 6 points
Work protection №6 Laboratory work №5. Work with MS Word-bot in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 7 points
Work protection №7 Laboratory work №6. Work with MS Excel-bot in SMS and AR RUNA WFE 8 points
Work protection №7.
(Defense of tests 1-2 - distance learning)) Laboratory work №7 Performing an individual task. Based on the presented description of one of the conditional business processes to implement it in the business process management system RUNA WFE 20 points

Test control №1 Tests on topics 1- 3 16 points
Test control №2 Tests on topics 4-7 20 points